Author Topic: In English  (Read 662046 times)


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In English
« on: February 20, 2017, 02:06:26 pm »
The Association DIFØT
What is DIFØT?

DIFØT is the acronym of Dansk Institut For Økologisk Teknik meaning Danish Institute of Ecological Techniques.

DIFØT is a publicly registered association, the purpose of which is:

    to inform about and develop new technologies in concurrence with nature and its modes of operation.

    to exploit its energies in the best possible way with the least interference into ecological systems and reduce already existing interference. Everything in such a way, that the living condition of humankind is improved.

DIFØT has members all over the world, but mainly in Denmark and is a non-political and non-profit association. Its members have an interest in alternative energy sources and healing systems of any kind. All work is unpaid and performed by volunteers.

Annually a general assembly is held in September. Additionally several lectures are held. These may be videoed.

Anybody interested in the work of DIFØT can become a member of the association. The annual fee coversaccess to a circle of readers and the DIFØT library. The membership enables the contact to similarly inclined members and the exchange of ideas and experiences. Application for membership is referred to the contact page for the e-mail address.

The DIFØT Library
DIFØT has its own library with books, periodicals, audio and video cassettes. The library only lends to members of the association. The periodicals are initially introduced into circles of readers after which they are added to the library. Persons lending from the library pay the shipping fees in both directions. The videos cover several of the lectures. Additionally severalvideos of different topics have been bought.

Circles of Readers
The circles of readers have been established to enable the members to follow the development within the areas of interest of DIFØT at a close range. Through a range of domestic and foreign magazines it is possible to keep oneself aquainted with what is going on around the world. To join the circles one reports to the wanted magazines. The magazines are accompanied by a list of readers and last date to forward the magazine to the next one before it finally ends into the library. As examples of magazines : Infinite Energy,  Nexus,  Net-Journal.

The magazines may be changed from year to year. The above list contains present subscriptions.