Author Topic: Moderne udgave af Bessler?  (Read 6732 times)


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Moderne udgave af Bessler?
« on: March 18, 2016, 10:38:43 pm »

From Kindergarten through a Doctorate Degree in Physics we are taught that there is no such thing as a free lunch – no such animal as free energy exists or can exist. We are also schooled in the scientifically sound and reasonable teaching that perpetual motion is a fantasy.

Is there a problem with this commonly accepted paradigm? Is there a fly in the soup and nobody’s talking about it? Well, there isn’t just a fly in the soup, there is an elephant in the soup!

The elephant in the soup is the atom and, on a larger scale, the solar system and the galaxies. The problem, beginning at the smallest scale and going on up to the largest scale, is that free energy and perpetual motion are the basic building blocks of the entire universe and, without those two basics nothing could exist.

Begin with the atom; it is commonly agreed that it is constantly in motion 24/7 and it never slows or stops. Additionally, there is no discernible external power source such as a battery or generator. The atom, the solar system, and galaxies all whirl around perpetually and in a self-sustaining manner and if any of these things stopped being self-perpetuating, for even a moment, then everything we know as reality would simply cease to exist.

So, that’s the thumbnail explanation for the elephant in the soup that nobody is talking about. Why is no one talking about the obvious fact that there is a free lunch and it is everywhere we can possibly look? Where are the conversations? Where’s the missing water-cooler-talk?

Answer: that’s not what we were told. That isn’t what we were taught in school. It isn’t what is in print in books and magazines.

Why aren’t we being taught the truth? Why have we always been trained to deny the facts that we can see all around us? Have we all been brainwashed from birth? Why and by whom? For what reason?

$$$ Ka-ching! $$$

Money, fool! Truth, facts, science, Laws of Physics; these things are dependent upon dollars and cents for their existence. There is no truth in the universe except the truth of money. Big Oil, Big Energy, Big Guns Bullets and Jets. There are gatekeepers for information and they, in their infinite wisdom, tell us what the facts are. They tell us what the Laws of Physics are.

They tell us everything we need to know except the truth because, if we knew the truth, we would begin thinking. We would invent. We would create things and we would make a new life apart from the gatekeepers and their laws, rules, and lies. Thinking is verboten, not allowed, heresy, anathema, insanity.

We live in a world where one must have a paper pedigree in lies before one single door will open that we may have access to a few crumbs that fall from their table. Money rules and big money rules best. The kings of money are the kings of truth and you will get the truth that they deign to toss on the floor for you to scramble after. Nevermind that the fallen morsel might be a lie; if they say it is the truth then it is the truth.

So, now we know that free energy and perpetual motion are everywhere, so what? If somebody could have cashed in on free energy they would have done it by now, ergo, since we don’t have it then it isn’t possible to do what the atoms, et al, do and that road is a deadend, right?

Wow, good sound logical reasoning! You are so right! Give yourself a big attaboy and a pat on the back……unless, wait a minute….what if people have been inventing free energy devices all along and they have simply been muzzled with money, threats, or accidental car wrecks or slips in the tub?

What if the mad-as-a-mercury-poisoned-hatter insane rich guy or his equally insane super rich friends decided not to allow some ne’er do well shade tree mechanic to ruin their fortunes and weaken their power over the populace? That’s a silly thought, right? The idea that the crazy rich would stoop to buying off or murdering inventors; what a nutty idea. The things that some people will dream up…

In 1712 Johann Bessler invented and displayed a gravity powered wooden wheel device that continuously revolved, while performing useful work. What happened with that? Was the wheel merely clever fakery or did it actually function as advertised?” No one knows the answer to that question, however he did leave behind some clues and, based upon those clues, it seems to me that he probably succeeded.

I discovered an approach that will, no doubt, work, and it is based upon using pendulums to transfer weights (sideways movement was one of the clues he left behind). The reason for using pendulums is because that particular mechanism is probably the most energy economical way to get a given weight from point A to point B; given a little shove, gravity helps give the weight some “free” downward acceleration and a little boost to help overcome the small upward hill on the other end of the swing. Bessler’s other clue had something to do with a ratchet mechanism of some kind. I came up with catch and hold mechanisms on each end of the swing.

Rather than attempt to make a gravity powered wheel, as Bessler did, I designed a more powerful device that is basically a long horizontal axle with bearings at each end and a multiplicity of pendulum/weight mechanisms along the length of the shaft.

I recently learned that many intelligent people cannot easily visualize things in 3D; I did not know that. Someday I hope to get a teammate that can draw; I can make malformed stick figures but I am no artist so, until I get some skilled help, please bear with my verbal descriptions of stuff.

That said, try and picture the following: a long horizontal shaft, supported at the ends by a framework with bearings so that the shaft may rotate easily. It will look a little like a closet clothes hanging rod but one that can rotate.

Next, a few feet out from the shaft, is a skeletal and cylindrical framework that surrounds and encloses the shaft and is permanently mounted to the shaft by welding or bolting it to premeasured standoffs or sticks. This outer cylinder could be made of heavy gauge roadmesh or something similar. You want the outer cylinder to be very skeletal (full of holes, that is) but still strong enough to support some hanging weights throughout its length.

An additional way to try to see this might be to imagine a muffler heat shield that surrounds the muffler pipe but it does so at a distance and is attached to standoff brackets that are welded to the muffler. That is something familiar to most that accurately depicts my outer cylinder (heat shield like) except that my outer cylinder is not inches away but about 4 feet away.

I hope you’re still with me. A lot of otherwise really smart people just aren’t going to get this; if you don’t get it then just share this stuff with a friend or two until you find one that gets it and have them help you with it.

Now, this outer skeletal cylinder serves only two purposes; one is to support hanging pendulum weights and the other is to be an anchor point for catch and hold mechanisms; these mechanisms will catch and briefly hold the pendulum weight at the outermost point of its outward swing.

The anchor points for the pendulums will spiral down the length of the outer shell; spiral so that each anchor point is offset from each other anchor point. In this way you have a constant supply of weights, in a mechanically choreographed queue, all taking their turn to maintain shaft rotation.

Each pendulum end will be a heavy weight; for small business generators each individual weight might be in the 300 pound range so, e.g., if we have a unit consisting of around 15 pendulums and at any given point in time we’ve got say 3 weights actually in play then, taking into account a 4 foot swing distance for its lever effect, we would have 300 pounds x 4 feet x 3 sets of weights which would equal a nearly constant 3,600 foot/pounds of torque.

Perusing the internet for muscle cars I found that some really powerful cars put out around 500 foot pounds of torque so, based upon that and some other spot checks, I would say that our generator should be able to produce the torque equal to about 7 very serious muscle cars. That is a respectable amount of torque.

All down the length of the inner shaft there will be large holes, offset from each other in a spiral, that will contain two things; one, a mechanism to catch, hold, and later release an individual pendulum weight. Two, a mechanism, either air or electrically powered, to give the pendulum weight a small kick to get it on its way. Also, at the appropriate spots on the outer shell, will be spirally placed duplicate mechanisms to catch, hold, and kick the weights for their return journey back to their nest in the main shaft center of axis.

The entire machine will be designed for very low rpm but high torque; low rpm will be required so that the various pendulum weights have sufficient time to jump out, be caught, pause at the outer shell for a moment, and then return to the main shaft resting place. This process of pendulum swinging will begin at precisely the same point for each weight; say, approximately the 3:10 clock position and be completed by the 3:17 clock position (e.g.).

Each pendulum weight will spend the majority of the 360 degree shaft rotation nestled within the center of axis rotation; thus each weight will have virtually no negative impact upon shaft rotation by virtue of being centered in the rotation axis. Even though the sum total of weight nestled within the central shaft will be considerable, with good support bearings in place, the shaft will still turn quite easily.

Additionally, for more efficient operation, the pendulum anchor points, on the outer shell, may consist of a small motor that turns an acme-threaded shaft that has on it a very stout acme threaded nut which nut has a reinforced area, beneath it, to hang the pendulum from. This rectangular acme threaded nut would be housed in a rectangular guide which guide would have a slot beneath it to allow for the lateral movement of the pendulum attached to the nut.

In operation, because the pendulum anchor point is changing position, as the outer shell revolves, the anchor point may be constantly readjusted by energizing the motor which would cause the housed nut/pendulum assembly to move one direction or the other to tweak the anchor point to a more efficient and advantageous position.

Another way of looking at this machine is that you are constantly assembling and then disassembling 4foot long 1,200 foot pound levers (3,600 ft lbs total). Or, for a small portion of the 360 degree rotation, long weighted levers briefly appear and then disappear.

Let’s build desalination plants and pipe water EVERYWHERE. As of today, the excuses for poverty and starvation are over. Let’s begin making a new and better world for everyone.


lido_523I have studied physics and various areas of science since I was 7 years old so that one day I could make a difference and help the world to be a better place. Today is the culmination of over 54 years of nearly ceaseless studying. 2016 is year 1 for publicly available free energy.

I am donating this invention to the world. I am making this gravity powered generator public domain and no one may patent it or in any way claim it as their own; as of this day, this technology belongs to everyone