Author Topic: Løgnen: Det var Rusland der skød MH-17 ned over Ukraine  (Read 9028 times)


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Løgnen: Det var Rusland der skød MH-17 ned over Ukraine
« on: August 10, 2014, 04:16:22 pm »
 De vestlige medier hjernevasker befolkningen med CIA-historier om at Putin var ansvarlig for nedskydningen af MH-17.
Et førende malaysisk dagblad fortæller at det var regimet i Ukraine (måske efter ordre fra USA) der nedskød flyet.

« Last Edit: December 31, 2015, 09:12:40 pm by anders »


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Re: MH-17
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2014, 11:59:56 am »

Analyse af Michael Shrimpton, som konkluderer at det Ukrainske militær skød MH-17 ned, både med et missil og med maskinkanon beskydning fra en Sukhoi jager.
Nedskydningen var planlagt uger på forhånd.

Da den ukrainske kup-regering kan betragtes som en vestlig marionet-regering, så kan man sige at vestmagterne stod bag nedskydningen.



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Re: MH-17
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2014, 07:35:41 am »
Endnu en artikel der konkluderer at MH-17 blev skudt ned (af regeringsstyrker) med en kombination af et missil og maskinkanonild fra en Sukhoi jager.


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Re: MH-17
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2014, 08:54:47 am »

Diverse højt kvalificerede personer konkluderer at MH-17 blev skudt ned af et jagerfly med en maskinkanon.
Vasilescu fra det rumænske luftvåben tror det var en Mig-29 som skød MH-17 ned. Piloten var formodentlig fra Polen. Mig-29 maskinen var muligvis fra Polen, men Ukraine har nogle Mig-29, så den kan have været fra Ukraine.


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Re: MH-17
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2014, 11:08:23 am »

Ukraine, Australien, Belgien og Holland hemmelig-stempler resultaterne af undersøgelser om årsagen til MH17 fly styrtet.
Man ønsker tilsyneladende ikke sandheden frem, men ser hellere propagandaen i medierne løbe frit.


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Re: MH-17
« Reply #5 on: November 24, 2014, 01:06:09 pm »

Holland har i al hemmelighed indgået en aftale om at bl. a. kupmagerne i Kiev får vetoret for rapportens indhold. I praksis betyder det vel at kupmagerne kan skrive rapporten.


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Re: MH-17
« Reply #6 on: November 24, 2014, 01:08:05 pm »

En god opsummering om historien omkring MH17. Rusland beklager sig bl. a. over hemmelighedskræmmeriet omkring MH17.


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« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2014, 01:15:10 pm »

Kilder i CIA lækkede tidligt den oplysning at USA var i besiddelse af satellit fotos som viste at det var et ukainsk jagerfly der skød MH-17 ned.
Og at Obamas påstand om at det var russerne eller russiskvenlige frihedskæmpere, der nedskød flyet, blev fremsat mod bedre vidende.
Nu har nogen så lækket det amerikanske sattelitbillede.
Selvfølgeligt er der mange der straks har påstået at det var lavet i Photoshop. Det er vel svært at afgøre.
Men fotoet stemmer helt med tidligere oplysninger om at det var et Ukrainsk jagerfly (muligvis ført af en polsk pilot) der nedskød MH-17.
« Last Edit: November 24, 2014, 01:19:02 pm by anders »


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Re: MH-17
« Reply #8 on: December 25, 2014, 04:26:43 pm »

En ukrainsk jagerpilot, som er flygtet til Rusland, fortæller at en af hans kolleger, Vladislav Voloshin, må have skudt MH-17 ned. De var stationeret på en civil lufthavn i Aviatorskoye, Dnepropetrovsk i perioden omkring nedskydningen 17. juli 2014. Fra den civile lufthavn bombede 6 stk Su-25 bombefly dagligt de frie områder omkring Donetsk og Lugansk. Der var på lufthavnen også 2 Su-25 udrustet med hver to gamle sovjetiske luft til luft missiler, som havde passeret sidste anvendelses-dato.  De to Su-25 med luft-til-luft missiler gik normalt ikke på vingerne, fordi frihedskæmperne ikke havde flyvemaskiner, så der var ikke nogen fly at skyde mod. Men den 17. juli gik et af jagerflyene med luft-til-luft missiler på vingerne sammen med to bombefly. De to bombefly vendte ikke tilbage. Det forlød at de var blevet skudt ned over de fri områder i øst-ukraine. Men jagerflyet med luft-til-luft-missiler vendte tilbage uden de to missiler.

Det var højst usædvanligt at et jagerfly blev sendt i luften med luft-til-luft missiler. Det var imod de stående ordrer, så det kunne kun ske på særlig ordre fra højere sted. Faktisk var missilerne afskrevet som uddaterede, og de måtte ikke anvendes. Men en uge før nedskydningen af MH-17 kom der ordre fra højere sted om at luft-til-luft missilerne skulle klargøres til brug meget hurtigt, og missilernes status som uddaterede blev ændret til at de godt måtte anvendes.

Det var ikke tilladt for piloterne at diskutere MH-17 nedskydningen. Ethvert forsøg på at diskutere det blev stoppet øjeblikkeligt. Men Voloshin sagde alligevel to gange at flyet var på et forkert sted på et forkert tidspunkt, og at det var et forkert fly. Han troede åbenbart ikke at det var et passagerfly han skød ned. Det er uklart hvilke ordrer han havde fået, og uklart hvorfra de kom. Det ukrainske hemmelige politi under indenrigsministeriet blander sig somme tider og giver kommandoer til militærfolk, der hører under forsvarsministeriet.


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Re: MH-17
« Reply #9 on: December 26, 2014, 06:47:06 am »

 Ukrainsk "vidne": Kampfly skød MH17 ned

Ifølge russiske efterforskere har en ukrainsk militærmand indrømmet, at MH17 ikke blev skudt ned af prorussiske oprørere.

Situationen mellem Rusland og Ukraine er højspændt, og den kommer nok ikke til at blive bedre af den seneste beskyldning fra Rusland. Den går ud på, at russiske efterforskere påstår at have et ukrainsk vidne, der har beviser for, at et ukrainsk kampfly skød Malaysia Airlines-flyet MH17 ned i juli. Det skriver BBC.


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Re: MH-17
« Reply #10 on: February 11, 2015, 12:37:24 pm »

Diverse historier om at en eller flere Kief-jagerfly af typen Su-25 skød MH17 ned.
Flykontrollen i Kiev havde givet MH17 ordre til at tage en unormal kurs, ind i et område hvor civilfly ikke havde adgang.
Den kommentar som den ukrainske jagerpilot, der skød flyet ned' kom med, om at flyet befandt sig på et forkert sted, giver god mening.
Han ville være mere tilbøjelig til at skyde fly ned i et område, hvor civile fly ikke havde adgang, end i de korridorer hvor de civile fly normalt flyver.
Det er muligt piloten ikke vidste hvad han skød ned, men andre i Kiev har vidst det. Det var helt unormalt at sende et jagerfly i luften med luft-luft missiler. Kiev havde for få jagerfly og for få luft-luft missiler, og frihedskæmperne havde ikke krigsfly, så der var normalt ikke noget behov for at sende dette jagerfly i luften. Det skete efter usædvanlige ordrer fra Kiev. Så i Kiev vidste man hvad man gjorde, da man skød passagerflyet ned.


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Medierne som sædvanligt fulde af løgn
« Reply #11 on: March 13, 2015, 05:07:17 pm »

But there was just one problem with his story. He lied. VT had debunked this back in the summer, when we found published pilot manuals having the flight ceiling numbers changed shortly after the event to eliminate the SU-25 as the potential perpetrator. That is a slam dunk proof of a cover up.

Ideen at det var et Bukh missil som skød MH17 ned kan afvises, fordi missilet ville have efterladt en iøjnefaldende røgstribe, der gik til vejrs på himlen. Tusinder og atter tusinder ville have set det og filmet det med deres mobiltelefoner.

Derimod er der meget der tyder på at det var et eller flere jagerfly (som et SU-25) der skød MH17 ned.


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Re: MH-17
« Reply #12 on: October 14, 2015, 10:14:42 pm »

According to a report presented by Dutch Security Council Chairman Tibbe Joustra, the Malaysian airliner was hit by a missile with the 9H314M warhead
Almaz-Antey CEO Yan Novikov said on Tuesday the results of the mathematical modelling of the airliner crash showed H-or butterfly-shaped striking elements on the Boeing. However, Russia’s current Buk antiaircraft missile systems are not fitted out with such striking elements. These butterfly-shaped elements that left the traces of holes in the plane’s fuselage were supplied only for the older Buk versions now operational only with the Ukrainian army.

“it became absolutely clear as a result of the experiments that if the Malaysian Boeing was hit by a missile from the Buk-M1 system, this could be only the 9M38 missile of the older modification compared with the 9M38M1 missile that has no H-shaped striking elements,” Novikov said, following the results of the MH17 crash modelling.

The head of the Dutch Security Council also said that the plane had crashed due to an explosion to the left of the pilots’ cockpit.

However, Almaz-Antey’s own investigation of the MH17 crash and full-scale experiments fully reject these findings. If the missile had been launched from the Snezhnoye community controlled by the militia of the Donetsk People’s Republic, the plane would have been hit on its right and not left side.

“This radically differs from what we saw on the Malaysian Boeing,” adviser to the Almaz-Antey general designer Mikhail Malyshevsky said earlier on Tuesday.

The plane’s damage on its left side testifies that it was hit by a missile launched from the Zaroshchenskoye community controlled by the Ukrainian military, he said.


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Re: MH-17
« Reply #13 on: October 14, 2015, 10:41:00 pm »

Kiev shot MH17 down and the Dutch, part of the NATO gang responsible, are part of the problem and fully culpable for the crime as predicted
Today, Dutch investigators came up with their long predetermined solution, that a BUK missile shot down MH17 no matter how impossible that might be.  Any other answer would have brought down NATO.
The Kiev backed SU25 pilots following MH17 “from below” have never admitted to seeing anything though the plane, according to them, nearly fell on them.
Then again, the American AEGIS radar imagery, units, one in Constanta and two more on ships in the Black Sea, though they recorded everything, was withheld along with American satellite imagery.  Only one answer for this, because they recorded planes shooting down MH17 as is consistent with the German report
Other than the simple issue of impossibility, there is rock solid evidence that MH17 was trailed by two SU25 aircraft that Kiev claimed could not be responsible because they were not capable of flight at altitude.
In the below article, based on live interviews on Russia Today, pilots debunked this, pilots who have flown the SU25 to nearly 50,000 feet.
This is the crux of the story.  The other “crux” of the story is not only the predetermined insanity the Dutch have come up with, long expected, but the behavior of the media, including the very weak Russian media, Russia Today, Sputnik News among others, who quickly lose focus.

This is a story all about control of the media.  From Russia Today, March 12, 2015:

“Duff said one cannot be entirely sure the detected fighter jet was an SU-25 at all, as modern radar spoofing counter-measures – such as those designed by BAE Systems and employed by NATO – are able to mask any other aircraft, be it an SU-27 or F-15, as another plane.”

As the investigation into the MH17 tragedy continues in eastern Ukraine, the SU-25’s chief designer has told German media that the fighter jet could not possibly have taken down the passenger plane. RT spoke to former pilots about the jet’s capabilities.
Kiev-born Soviet and Russian aircraft designer Vladimir Babak said on Monday that the SU-25 jet – which was spotted tracking the MH17 Boeing at the moment it crashed down – did not have the capability to shoot down a passenger plane. He said the fighter jet could have successfully attacked the Boeing at an altitude of 3,000-4,000 meters, but not at the plane’s altitude of 10,500 meters. He added that air-to-air missiles would have only damaged the Boeing – not completely destroyed it while still in the air.
‘SU-25 capable of high altitude flights, can carry powerful missiles’

However, several former top officials and SU-25 pilots disagree with Babak.

Based on the analysis of the plane debris and the nature of the damage, there is a high probability the plane was stuck by an air-to-air missile and an aircraft gun, Lieutenant General Aleksandr Maslov, former deputy chief of the Russian Air Defense and Land Forces, told RT.

    “The published photos [from the MH17 crash site] enable to assume that the Boeing was downed by a military jet. Besides that, the existing damage indicates that the airplane was shot with air-to-air missiles together with an aircraft gun with a 30mm caliber,” Maslov said.

Claims that the passenger plane was downed by a surface-to-air Buk missile “cannot be supported,” as the nature of the damage from the missiles is different, he added.

Commenting on the jet’s ability to maneuver at higher altitudes, the former commander of an aviation division, Major General Sergey Borysyuk, noted that the jet would have had the capability to “maneuver comfortably,” even at such a high altitude.

    “I personally flew, and not once, at an altitude of 12,000 meters…,” he said. “My colleagues have risen to an altitude of 14,000 meters. The altitude of 10,500 was officially authorized during operations in Afghanistan. Therefore the plane, even at an altitude of 12,000 meters, has the capability to maneuver comfortably, its aerodynamic characteristics enable it to do so.”

Borysyuk explained that the R-60 missiles on the SU-25 have an infrared homing and a rod warhead. Citing the nature of the plane’s debris and the “precisely sliced fuselage,” he said that R-60 missiles were possibly used.
The former chief commander of Russia’s Air Force, Vladimir Mikhailov, also said he flew the SU-25, reaching an altitude of 12,000 meters and even 14,000 meters. He also stated that the plane “comfortably maneuvers” at such heights.

“If the plane was downed by Buk [missile defense system], it would have almost immediately fallen to pieces in the air and we could not have witnessed such large debris on the ground,” he said.

Along with Russia’s Ministry of Defense, he also questioned why the MH17 flight stayed within the flying corridor until it reached Donetsk, but then deviated from the route to the north.

In July 2014, Russia’s Ministry of Defense presented military monitoring data which showed Kiev military jets tracking MH17 shortly before the crash and posed a set of questions to Ukraine over the circumstances of the tragedy, which have still not been answered.
Speculation about the combat capabilities of the SU-25 jet stem from the Russian definition of the aircraft’s service ceiling – which is not the same as its absolute ceiling, as defined by the US military, Veterans Today senior editor Gordon Duff told RT.

    “The claimed service ceiling is based on the oxygen supply in the aircraft. Now, there is a claim that this plane [SU-25] will only work to 22,000 feet. At the end of World War II, a German ME-262 would fly at 40,000 feet, a P-51 Mustang propeller plane flew at 44,000 feet. The SU-25 was developed as an analogue of the A-10 Thunderbolt, an American attack plane. The planes have almost identical performance, except that the SU-25 is faster and more powerful. The A-10 Thunderbolt has a service ceiling of 45,000 feet. The US estimates the absolute ceiling, which is a different term,” Duff explained.

The known estimate for the absolute ceiling of the SU-25 is 52,000 feet (15.8km), he added.

Moreover, Duff said one cannot be entirely sure the detected fighter jet was an SU-25 at all, as modern radar spoofing counter-measures – such as those designed by BAE Systems and employed by NATO – are able to mask any other aircraft, be it an SU-27 or F-15, as another plane.

Duff said he also discussed the possibility of the MH17 flight having been shot by a ground-to-air missile with experts from the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration), the FBI, the Air Line Pilots Association, as well as air traffic and air operational officers – and they all agreed that no proof of anti-aircraft missile use has been provided to the public.

It is highly unlikely that the launch of such a missile would have gone unnoticed in the area, Duff stressed, adding that the trail left by the rocket in the air would have been witnessed and filmed by “thousands.”

    “One of the things we settled on early on is that in the middle of the day, if this were a Buk missile, the contrail would have been seen for 50 miles [80km]. The contrail itself would have been photographed by thousands of people; it would have been on Instagram, on Twitter, it would have been all over YouTube – and no one saw it. You can’t fire a missile on a flat area in the middle of the day leaving a smoke trail into the air and having everyone not see it,” Duff said.

ditor’s note:  You have just seen 4 minutes of a 17 minute video.  News Corp (Murdoch) claims the complete video asserts that MH 17 was shot down by a plane.  Why this video, shot by crash site investigators making some effort to secure the scene, has been held for a year is inexcusable.  Stories about how the scene was protected and what went on there are now proven utterly false.  VT has the story right in August 2014.  Read the initial VT story here followed by reports from Sputnik News and Russia Today.  VT staffers are standing by waiting for the website to crash.

VT Exclusive:  As the day progresses, a “toad and troll” media war has erupted along with massive denial of service attacks on Veterans Today.  The BUK missile story that from the first ignored the fact that Kiev routed MH17 purposefully over a “no fly combat zone” is being peddled by not only the paid stooges of Israeli agent Jane Harmon’s Daily Beast but armies of misfits, pedophiles, chat room trolls and paid off military retirees.

We take this, the after the fact disinformation campaign, so stupidly orchestrated, and the wealth of evidence, only some of which is outlined below, that Israel had a clear hand in the downing of MH17 and quite probably MH 370 as well.  They got “two birds with one stone” with MH 17, a blow against two enemies, Russia  and Malaysia.

Everything made public about MH 17 has been a lie.  New evidence supports two planes being shot down, MH 17 and the fighter that shot it down…shot down by what now appears to be a Russian fighter in Ukrainian air space, scrambled to defend MH 17.  Two pilots of the SU25 bailed out before crash according to witness statements withheld for a year.

There is precedent for Russians defending Eastern Ukraine from air attacks.  Russian pilots defended North Vietnam as well during the Vietnam War and American pilots flew missions over Israel, Syria and Egypt in the 1973 War and may well be flying unofficial missions on behalf of al Nusra or ISIS groups fighting inside Syria and Iraq as well.
Russia and its separatist allies withheld vital facts on MH17 because a Russian plane downed the Kiev (Israeli armed according to RT) Sukhoi 25 that shot down the airliner.  The US and others with access to the crash scenes and satellite photos covered up the second crash site.  Was it because the arms were Israeli?  Was this done to block the public from learning how broad involvement was and how many nations were to blame for the MH 17 shoot down?

Why was this video withheld?  Where was it all this time?  Why is Murdoch, of all people, ordering it released now?  How long has Murdoch known about it?  What other evidence is being withheld?  With the US having both AWAC and AEGIS cover for this region, why has the United States failed to release its evidence unless, as is so often the case, Americans working for Israel had reason to withhold this vital evidence.

Sputnik News Report including transcript of censored video

In Utter Disbelief

Meanwhile, the Australian news outlet has published what it claims to be the transcript of the ”17-minute video shot by the rebels themselves on a camcorder as they captured what they initially believed to be a Ukrainian air force fighter jet they had just shot down”.

The website however has posted only a 4-minute video extract but published what it claims to be the transcript of the full version.

If true, the conversations made on camera prove that the alleged self-defense fighters arrived at the site of the Boeing crash searching for the Ukrainian Sukhoi fighter.

    “They say the Sukhoi (Fighter) brought down the civilian plane and ours (Jim Dean: they could only be talking about a Russian plane) brought down the fighter,” the transcript quotes some commander as saying.”

    “Background: The fighter jet brought down this one, and our people brought down the fighter.”

    “Background: They decided to do it this way, to look like we have brought down the plane.”

The transcript also said that while the fighters were examining the site of the crash of the civilian plane, there was another crash site, presumably that of the fighter.

    “The Sukhoi brought down the plane and we brought down the Sukhoi.

    Is it far from here? Where did it fall?

    Looks like … Where’s the smoke coming from?

    Somewhere else is burning, the 49 village.

    I mean … the two pilots landed with parachutes.”

The website however prefers not to notice the evidence of the existence of a second plane, which shot down the Boeing. It mostly concentrates on the people examining the remains of the Boeing and stubbornly insists that it was shot down with the surface-to-air missile.

Read more:
Russia Today Report(RT) A report on Malaysian Airlines MH17 air disaster in Ukraine last year by a group of old-hand aviation security experts maintains that the Boeing might have been downed by an Israeli Python air-to-air missile.
TrendsMalaysia MH17 plane crash, Ukraine turmoil

The report was leaked via the private LiveJournal account of Albert Naryshkin (aka albert_lex) late on Tuesday and has already been widely discussed by social media communities in Russia.

The authors of the investigative report have calculated the possible detonation initiation point of the missile that hit the passenger aircraft and approximate number and weight of strike elements, which in turn designated the type and presumed manufacturer of the weapon.

Malaysian Airline Boeing 777-200 performing flight MH17 from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur on July 17, 2014, crashed on the territory of Ukraine near the village of Grabovo, killing all 283 passengers and 15 crewmembers aboard.

The aircraft disintegrated in the air and the debris of MH17 were scattered across an area of about 50 sq. km.

The external view of MH17 hull pieces indicates that “fragments of the pilots’ cockpit have suffered specific damages in the form of localized puncture holes and surface dents typical for hypervelocity impacts with compact and hard objects,” the report says, stressing that similar damage could be found on the inner side of the cockpit.

The report specifically points out that chips of the body coat around the holes in the fragment are typical of wave effects created by hypervelocity impacts.

Some damage, though larger and less clustered, could be found near the air-scoop of the left-wing engine of the aircraft.

The nature of the damage allows for the identification of the source as a high-explosive fragmentation warhead from a modern anti-aircraft weapon, claims the report.

Apart from the large puncture holes, the debris of the nose and the cockpit of the aircraft bear a large number of scattered micro-craters resulting from the impact of high-velocity dust and tiny debris, such as an unburnt blasting agent and elements of the ordnance that accompany a shock wave from a blast that occurred very close to the target. In the case of MH17, the pilots’ cockpit.

The report says that as a rule, the initial speed of the striking elements of modern anti-aircraft weapons vary between 1,500 and 2,500 meters per second.
Altogether, the experts considered photos of five fragments of the cockpit and left port of the flight MH17, on which they counted some 230 “battle-damage” holes and punctures.

All this considered, the experts claim that the exact zone of the blast impact could be established with a fair degree of accuracy.

The warhead of the missile exploded very close to the cockpit, to its left side at a distance of 0.8-1.6 meters from the cockpit windows, exactly opposite the sliding window of the aircraft commander.

The dimensions and character of the puncture holes left by the strike elements allegedly allow their size and form factor to be established, which in its turn makes it possible to identify the type of weapon used in a particular case.

The cross dimension of absolute majority, 86 percent, of the 186 hull holes studied by experts measure between 6 and 13mm, with explicit maximum of them having cross dimension of 8mm.

This fact brought the expert group to a conclusion about the size of the strike elements of the warhead. If the warhead had been armed with two types of strike elements, the majority of the holes would have been of two types, the reports notes.

The strike element has been established of being a rectangular block measured 8mm x 8mm x 6mm, with margin of error of 0.5 mm, a high probability it was made of steel and an estimated weight of 3 grams each. The total number of such elements should have varied between 2,000 and 4,000.

The bulk of the strike elements are estimated between 4.88 – 14.8 kilograms.

The report confutes the argument of Russia’s Almaz-Antey military concern that early claimed that “intricate shape”double-t steel fragments, similar to those used in warheads of surface-to-air Buk missile systems, have been extracted from the debris of MH17 flight.

Howwever, the double-t strike elements of a Buk missile weigh 8.1 grams, more than twice as much as a single damage fragment among those that pierced MH17’s hull. Thus, according to the report, the hypothesis about a Buk missile system being involved in the crash is “most probably incorrect.”

With 95 percent probability, the group of experts estimates the weight of the missile’s warhead (explosives plus strike elements) that shot down MH17 of being between 10 and 40kg.

This led the experts to determine the exact type of the weapon used against Malaysian Airlines flight MH17.

The report says that that Soviet- and Russian-made surface-to-air missile systems use more powerful warheads than the established maximum 40kg, as is the case with MH17.

Moreover, Soviet- and Russian-made air-to-air missiles which have a similar 10-40kg warhead capability use other types of strike elements within one warhead – obviously not the case with MH17.

A whole range of existing foreign air-to-air missiles have corresponding warhead characteristics, yet lack of physical elements of the missile used against MH17 prevented experts from establishing the exact type of the weapon used.

Still, the circumstances and conditions of the assault allowed experts to make certain assumptions.
The missile that attacked MH17 had a passive radar homing head, which explains why the missile exploded so close to the cockpit. Under the radar-transparent nosecone of a Boeing 777-200 there is a surveillance radar station operable during the flight, so most likely the missile homed on to this radar as the target.

Apart from a radar homing head, the missile could also be equipped with an advanced, matrix type, imaging IR seeker, which enables the missile to determine the size and the type of the target and choose for attack its most vital element. For a huge Boeing aircraft, that’s the cockpit.

A simulation of the missile attack has proved that missiles with that type of guidance choose to attack a big passenger plane from the front hemisphere.

There are four air-to-air missiles that fit the description established by the experts, namely: French Magis-2, Israeli Shafrir, American AIM-9 and Israeli Python – all short-range.

The first three have been struck off the list for various reasons, including type of warhead or guidance system specifications. The Python deserved a closer look.

The Python is equipped with a matrix-imaging IR seeker. It enables a relatively moderate power warhead to effectively engage big aircrafts. The warhead is armed with a set of ready strike elements. Even more importantly, some open military sources suggest that in early 2000s a number of Sukhoi Su-25 assault fighter jets we refurbished to use fourth and fifth generation Python missiles, which look very similar to the Su-25’s standard air-to-air R-60 missile.

The unofficial report leaked in LiveJournal has become yet another one among many other unofficial versions presented over the year that has passed since the catastrophe occurred on July 17, 2014.

The Dutch Safety Board that has been heading an international investigation into the cause of the crash is due to release its official report in October.
News Corp Australia has obtained a previously unknown video allegedly taken minutes after Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 was downed in Ukraine exactly one year ago. The voices cited by the transcript of the full footage claim a warplane shot down the Boeing.
TrendsMalaysia MH17 plane crash

The four-minute clip posted by News Corp Australia is an extract from what is claimed to be a longer 17-minute video, which allegedly depicts the immediate aftermath of the MH17 Boeing crash. The clip shows rebel fighters who arrived at the scene, first looking to get things under control. Their commander is heard ordering them to clear the area of civilians and onlookers and search for the black boxes.
In the clip a man’s voice is heard, which is thought to be that of a rebel commander, who receives a number of phone calls apparently from other rebel fighters at different sites where the debris fell. The man is heard saying “What? There’s another plane?” and orders the men to “establish a perimeter and keep civilians away”.

READ MORE: Israeli-made air-to-air missile may have downed MH17 – report

The four-minute clip posted by the is followed by a transcript from a longer 17-minute video, which has not been released. News Corp Australia told RT that they “stand by the transcript, it was taken from the full video, which investigators now have.”

The text cites a rebel commander as saying that “the Sukhoi [fighter jet] brought down the plane and we brought down the Sukhoi.”

Later on, the man is quoted as saying that “there’s two planes taken down,” while a voice in the background says, “the fighter jet brought down this one [MH17 Boeing], and our people brought down the fighter. They [the Ukrainians] decided to do it this way, to make it look like we have brought down the plane.”

According to the transcript, there were also between two and “five parachute jumpers” who landed at the nearby Grabove village. These included a pilot “roaming about Rassypnoe” [a nearby village] and a commander ordering his men go and get him immediately.

One of the rebels is also wondering who and why they [the Boeing] was given permission to fly over the warzone.

The four-minute clip shows rebels searching the debris for black boxes and finding one, as well as personal IDs of the passengers, which they then filmed on the camera.

Australia’s Foreign Minister Julie Bishop reacted upon the release of the video by saying that she could not verify its authenticity. “It is sickening to watch and, 12 months on from the downing of MH17, it is deeply concerning that this footage has emerged now,” she told the Nine Network.

Bishop also said “it is certainly consistent with all that we were told, the advice that we received two months ago, that flight MH17 had been shot down by a… missile,” she said.

Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17, which was heading from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, was downed in eastern Ukraine on July 17, 2014, killing all 298 people onboard.

Ole Nielsen

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Re: MH-17
« Reply #14 on: October 15, 2015, 02:34:21 am »
Video animering af nedskydningen af MH17:

Videoen er lavet ud fra en rekonstruktion af dele af vraget samt data fra flyets optagere hvor triangulering fra mikrofonerne i cockpittet har bestemt hvor missilet eksploderede. De optagne data passer med vinklen af hullerne i skroget.

Videoen direkte fra YouTube:
