Author Topic: Ebola  (Read 12706 times)


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« on: August 04, 2014, 11:39:02 am »
Ebolo er en virussygdom, som blev opdaget i Congo i 1976. Den findes hos dyr i regnskovene syd for Sahara. Den kan smitte mennesker, har en inkubationstid på 3 uger, og er dødelig for 60-95% af de ramte. Symptomer er kvalme og diarhee. Virussen har lovende muligheder for biologisk krigsførelse, og er da også blevet studeret intenst siden 1976 for mulig anvendelse i krigsførelse.
Et amerikansk team har været aktivt med ebola forsøg i landende omkring Nigeria i nogle år før det nuværende 2014-udbrud af en ny variant af ebola. Nogle mener at amerikanerne har spredt en ny type ebola i disse lande, og at den nye type kan smitte gennem luften, i modsætning til gammelkendte typer af ebola.
En ny type Ebola, der kan smitte gennem luften, har potentiale for at udrydde 90% af mennskeheden.



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Re: Ebola
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2014, 11:41:23 am »
Albert har fundet denne artikel om Ebola:

Ebola Virus: Could An Outbreak Cause 90% Global Depopulation?

Overseen by the US Department of Defense (DoD) under the Transformational Medical Technologies program (TMT) of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have spent millions of dollars conducting scientific research into the Ebola virus, its potential for being turned into a bio-weapon and certain vaccine efforts through two drug corporations, Massachusetts-based Sarepta Therapeutics and Tekmira Pharmaceuticals of Canada . Then the funding was abruptly cut.

Mysteriously, microbiologists and virologists who were involved with research into immunology and bioweapons have either gone missing or found dead over two decades. Some of these scientists had ties to the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, the NIH, the DoD – just to name a few. While the number of experts involved in infectious disease research having died under questionable circumstances has risen exponentially, the US government has remained non-chalant.

One of the most shocking calls for depopulation came from Dr. Eric R. Pianka, scientist at the University of Texas back in 2006. Pianka was speaking to an audience of fellow scientists, students, and professors when he proclaimed that 90% of the world’s population needed to be killed using a weaponized form of the Ebola virus. He stated that an airborne version of Ebola would be more effective than the HIV/AIDS virus has been since its release in 1979 because of the speed in which the victim dies.

Globalists like Ted Turner and Bill Gates have already stated publicly that they want a significant amount of the world’s population reduced – even as far as by 90% in the name of climate change and reallocation of resources. How could they accomplish such a feat without the aid of a bio-weapon? And furthermore, how could they ensure that large enough amounts of the population are exposed to the bio-weapon for maximum effect?


The Ebola virus mysteriously appeared in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) in 1976 and has sporadically reappeared in the area without explanation ever since. Mainstream medical professional believe that eating monkeys who are infected with Ebola is the initial mode of transmission. However this is accepted speculation because the scientific community agrees that the natural reservoir of the virus is unknown and therefore knowledge of transmission is only hypothesized.

In July of this year, a sudden outbreak of the Ebola virus surfaced, killing 14 people. The World Health Organization (WHO), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Uganda’s Ministry of Health came together to control the unexpected eruption.

Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni made a formal statement warning his citizens: “I therefore appeal to you to be vigilant. Avoid shaking of hands; do not take on burying somebody that has died from symptoms which look like Ebola. Instead, call the health workers to be the ones to do it. And avoid promiscuity because these sicknesses can also go through sex.”

Dr. Paul Roddy, Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF), a French charity, asserts that the outbreak of the Ebola virus in Uganda has been stabilized, however an additionaloutbreak could erupt in another location. Roddy believes that natives eating bush-meat were the catalyst for spread. He assumes that monkeys who have eaten infected bats, that were then consumed by Ugandans was the chain of infection.

Eight days later, in the DRC, a new strain of the Ebola virus has surfaced according to medical volunteers from MSF. It is not the same strain as was discovered in Uganda.

This new epidemic is being monitored because “not every person who develops the disease will develop clear symptoms that are recognized as Ebola. For the moment it seems that there are not that many cases but the exact number of cases is unknown,” said Anja de Weggheleire, representative of MSF.

Overseen by the US Department of Defense (DoD) under the Transformational Medical Technologies program (TMT) of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have spent millions of dollars conducting scientific research into the Ebola virus, its potential for being turned into a bio-weapon and certain vaccine efforts through two drug corporations, Massachusetts-based Sarepta Therapeutics and Tekmira Pharmaceuticals of Canada . Then the funding was abruptly cut.

The TMT creates relationships with private sector biotech firms, pharmaceutical corporations and academic institutions, as well as other government agencies to advance biological warfare, research viral and biological weapons and estimate threat levels of all biological agents based on ability to infect and effectiveness of devastation.

The DoD suddenly stopped funding Ebola vaccine research through these two corporations due to financial constraints. With the sporadic nature of Ebola outbreaks, combined with the absolute deadly nature of the virus makes it a hard sell to large pharmaceutical corporations because it “isn’t a huge customer base and big pharma is obviously interested in big profits. So these niche products which are important for biodefense are really driven by small companies,” according to Larry Zeitlin, president of Mapp Biophamracueticals, who is developing therapies to combat Ebola.

Mysteriously, microbiologists and virologists who were involved with research into immunology and bioweapons have either gone missing or found dead over two decades. Some of these scientists had ties to the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, the NIH, the DoD – just to name a few. While the number of experts involved in infectious disease research having died under questionable circumstances has risen exponentially, the US government has remained non-chalant.

In November of 2002, DynCorp was given a $322 million contract to develop, produce and store vaccines for the DoD. DynCorp has been connected to PROMIS, a software program designed to identify and target specific individuals for operations known only to the US government.

One of the most shocking calls for depopulation came from Dr. Eric R. Pianka, scientist at the University of Texas back in 2006. Pianka was speaking to an audience of fellow scientists, students, and professors when he proclaimed that 90% of the world’s population needed to be killed using a weaponized form of the Ebola virus. He stated that an airborne version of Ebola would be more effective than the HIV/AIDS virus has been since its release in 1979 because of the speed in which the victim dies.

If Pianka’s nightmare scenario were to be carried out, how could it be done with the most efficiency and impact?
During the hype over possible 2012 Olympic Games terrorist schemes, the Lieutenant Colonel Brian Fahy advised the UK government that it was “feasible” that drones equipped with biological weapons could be remote-controlled and aimed over the skies of London during the Games. Fahy said: “An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) can be put in a backpack. They come in all sorts of sizes and it’s feasible they could be filled with something noxious and flown by remote-control.”

In preparation for the possibility, Elite soldiers wore biochemical suits, gloves and masks during training exercises provided by a top-secret military research facility in Porton Down, Wilshire. Fahy explains: “We have worked up a comprehensive plan to protect against the potential hijacking of a commercial airliner down to slow-moving microlights or radio-controlled planes.”

Thanks to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), 6 national drone test sites were established to coincide with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announcement that by 2015 at least 30,000 drones will be in American skies surveying US citizens in the name of safety, according to Janet Napolitano.

President Obama signed the FAA Modernization and Reform Act in February of this year, demanding that the FAA “integrate operation of drones” into National Airspace by 2015.
These drones will be in civilian airspace, with “the potential for invasive surveillance of daily activities,” says House Representative Ed Markey.

Just last June, researchers at the University of Texas demonstrated to officials at the DHS how drones could be hacked into through their navigation systems.

By sending a false Global Positioning System (GPS) signal the drones were tricked into taking a different course.

To infect a large amount of people (like the population of a large US city) with a bio-weapon like the Ebola virus, drones could be used to spray over-head with ease. Because of the immediacy of infection, the population of cities affect would experience a dramatic reduction nearly instantly. In fact, it would take nearly a week for officials to even respond to this type of pandemic and by that time, thousands of Americans would be have succumbed to the Ebola virus.

Because of the effectiveness of the mortality rate of the Ebola virus, it is the perfect bio-weapon. And if combined with the recent implementation of drones in US skies, could this be a combination we should be concerned about?

Globalists like Ted Turner and Bill Gates have already stated publicly that they want a significant amount of the world’s population reduced – even as far as by 90% in the name of climate change and reallocation of resources. How could they accomplish such a feat without the aid of a bio-weapon? And furthermore, how could they ensure that large enough amounts of the population are exposed to the bio-weapon for maximum effect?

Perhaps fly drones equipped with the Ebola virus over American cities, then sit back and wait. Once the virus has killed the majority of the population, the next agenda for global governance can unfold


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Re: Ebola
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2014, 11:48:10 am »
Dr Ward taler om Ebola:

EBOLA: Under Control, Well Prepared Ebola Epidemic About To Be Unleashed In US

EBOLA: Under Control, Well Prepared Ebola Epidemic About To Be Unleashed in US
The Necessary Equipment: Lab negative flow vent - sucks air through the hand area and out the lab. Positive air flow suit.

The Necessary Equipment: Lab negative flow vent – sucks air through the hand area and out the lab. Positive air flow suit.

In CNN’s article: Ebola: US Health Care System Well-Prepared for Ebola.  If CNN expert, Dr. Lee Norman, chief medical officer at the University of Kansas practices the precautions he professes, him, his staff, their families, their friends, all their friends, etc, et al, would be dead in about a month. Well, only about 90% of them, and Ebola would be epidemic in the US.

Well prepared ignorance that could have wiped out 90% of US. Amazing, ‘expert’ doc, everything under control, we are well prepared…

GET THIS QUOTE. “”””Ebola is not airborne, he said. It cannot be transmitted via coughs or sneezes.”‘””

True, it is not an airborne virus – able to transmit without a liquid medium – But It Most Assuredly Will Transmit by Coughing and Sneezing,  which give tiny droplets that can stay suspended in air for at least several minutes which if inhaled will transmit the virus.   A simple conversation with an Ebola patient less than 3 feet away is ‘direct contact’. It has been well documented coughing, sneezing, emesis, urine, blood, semen and MLS ANY body fluid  will transmit Ebola.

This ignorant ‘expert’ has NO F!CKING IDEA WHAT HE IS DEALING WITH. He and his staff would have been the first to catch it based on his complete f!cking ignorance of what he is dealing with.

That’s the problem, it only takes one little lack of knowledge, one little screw up, a slip, a fall, a jerking movement, etc, et all, and that’s it. It’s out and it’s almost impossible to catch, unless you shut down movement.

Now you know why they didn’t want WHO medical staff in their villages. Quarantine is the only thing that can save them.
Paragraph above and below the paragraph that could have killed 90% of US – and that’s with them ‘prepared and under control’ ROFL, if it weren’t so deadly.

“They would most likely be flying in civilian aircraft and seek care in civilian hospitals, urgent care clinics, physicians’ offices and emergency departments,” said Norman. “That is exactly why this awareness is important for all caregivers.”

Ebola is not airborne, he said. It cannot be transmitted via coughs or sneezes. If an infected person is exhibiting symptoms, he or she can transmit the disease via bodily fluids such as blood, breast milk or semen. The virus does not die with a patient — so deceased bodies can transmit the disease.

There is no specific treatment for Ebola. Doctors can only administer what they call “supportive therapy,” which means supporting the patient’s own immune system as it tries to battle the infection. This usually involves intravenous fluids to prevent dehydration and shock, said Christopher Mores, associate director of Louisiana State University’s Center for Experimental Infectious Diseases. This therapy for Ebola patients could also include blood or platelet transfusions and oxygen therapy.

SOB, more H N1 govt lab playtoy BS. I wasn’t aware until now that Ebola was an H5N1 FLU – YES, IT’S ‘F!CKING A’ CONTAGIOUS BASED ON ITS GROUPING – MLS, I’d have to do some digging to know for sure how well it fits in the H N group.

This ‘idea’ of breaking continental barriers is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS FOR ALL  It’s insane to break continental ‘barriers’ to bring ‘victims’ ‘home’.  The equipment needed is not all that expensive or complicated – It’s just basic ‘barrier’ protection with a clean air supply.  First of all, anyone that has had Ebola  for 5 days is usually in CRITICAL condition, a stressful full day flight could be enough to kill the patient, to say nothing of the potential epidemic in another continent.  Those infected need to stay within the country in which they are found.  Movement is counterproductive for  EVERYONE.


Another interesting article: US bioweapons lab in Sierra Leone at the epicentre of Ebola outbreak

Update: No problem, it’s all under control.  Red Rover, Red Rover, send Ebola Right Over  Ebola is outstripping control efforts, top WHO official warns–20140801-story.html

Insanity on many levels – bad for the patients, and bad for the non infected. There simply is no reason for this and it is COUNTERPRODUCTIVE TO ALL. Two Americans infected with the Ebola virus are heading back to the U.S. A Gulfstream jet equipped with an isolation pod is making its way to Emory University Hospital in Atlanta.

R/O: Hiding the infections in Nigeria until they get EBOLA here in US.

Ed Ward, MD – ; ;

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Happy 12th Anniversary of Murder and Treason:
What Is Wrong With the US government and all its accessories before and after the fact? Nothing that Work Strikes, Boycotts, Trials*, Accountability, and a quick dance at the end of a rope won’t fix. * Constitutional Trials: Based on all ‘laws’ and ‘rights’ granted or denied by the Original Intent Interpretation of the Constitution and in particular the Bill of Rights – The only interpretation allowed by the Constitution.

Dr. Ed Ward MD, AS, BS, MD – Reporting and investigating Constitutional abuses of the US government for almost 2 decades. AS, BS in Medical Technology – Minor in Organic Chemistry and Physics, volunteer during the Viet Nam war 6 years stateside active duty ‘med tech’ ‘US Air Farce’ – a decade experience in Medical Technology. MD degree from LSU, New Orleans – 2 decades in the field of General Practice. (My) Articles are also referenced by valid experts in their field.

About: Ed Ward, MD’s Blog of Referenced Facts, and Me, Dr Ed Ward, MD Congratulations! If you’ve made it here, you’ve made it through a MASSIVE Maze of government propaganda, censorship, and Psyops. To the Best of my Knowledge and Evaluation, You will only find the referenced, pertinent facts for the ID and Remedy of Our governments fascism, as well as world wide government fascism here… Continues

Dr Ed


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Paul Craig Roberts om Ebola
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2014, 11:52:13 am »

If Nuclear War Doesn’t Exterminate Us Ebola Virus Might — Paul Craig Roberts
August 1, 2014 | Categories: Articles & Columns | Tags: | Print This Article Print This Article

If Nuclear War Doesn’t Exterminate Us Ebola Virus Might

Obama’s White House Press Conference

Paul Craig Roberts

I just heard on National Public Radio two things that have totally destroyed what tiny bit of belief I still had in American leadership. I have concluded that the term “intelligent American” is an oxymoron.

American elites have decided that Americans are not sufficiently threatened by war and economic chaos, so they are bringing the ebola virus to America. National Public Radio reported that two people infected with the ebola virus, which cannot be cured and is usually deadly, are being brought to Emory University Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia.

All it takes is one cough, one sneeze, one drop of saliva, and the virus is loose in one of the main transportation centers of the US.

Pandemic anyone? Little doubt but that most of the world would emit a great sigh of relief to be rid of Washington.

Allegedly the ebola carriers will be quarantined in special rooms. But we already know that American hospitals cannot even contain staph infections. What happens to the utensils, plates, cups, and glasses with which the ebola infected persons eat and drink? And who gets to clean the bed pans? One slip-up by one person, one tear in a rubber glove, and the virus is loose.

If we don’t die from ebola, we still have to dodge nuclear war. I heard part of Obama’s press conference. Obama accused Putin of doing everything that only Obama is doing.

If Obama believes what he told the press, he is utterly disinformed by his advisors. If he doesn’t believe the crude propaganda that he speaks, he is consciously leading the drive to war with Russia which probably means war with China as well and the end of us all.

Keep in mind that after eight years the US military was unable to successfully occupy Iraq and that after 13 years the US is unable to defeat a few thousand lightly armed Taliban in Afghanistan.

Russia and China are not Iraq, Libya, or Afghanistan.

War with Russia will be nuclear. Washington has prepared for it. Washington has abandoned the ABM treaty, created what it thinks is an ABM shield, and changed its war doctrine to permit US nuclear first strike. All of this is obviously directed at Russia, and the Russian government knows it. How long will Russia sit there waiting for Washington’s first strike?

Russia hasn’t done anything except get in the way, belatedly, of Washington’s lies that Washington uses to start wars. Russia (and China) went along with Washington’s lies about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction. Russia (and China) went along with Washington’s lies that Washington’s 13-year attempted conquest and occupation of Afghanistan had to do with finding Osama bin Laden. Russia (and China) fell for Washington’s deception that a UN resolution establishing a no-fly zone over Libya was for the purpose of preventing Gaddafi’s air force from bombing his own people, only to discover that Washington misused the resolution to send the NATO air force to overthrow the Libyan government.

When Washington drew a “red line” in the sand with regard to the Syrian government’s use of chemical weapons against the outside forces that Washington had organized and sent into Syria to overthrow the government, all the while pretending that these Islamists mercenaries were the true spokesmen for democracy in Syria, most of the world knew that Washington was about to organize a chemical attack and blame Assad. When the Washington orchestrated attack happened on schedule, this time Russia and China did not fall for it. And neither did the British Parliament. Washington was unable to produce any evidence for the charges that Washington made and hoped would bring in at least the British to support Washington’s military assault on Syria. Russia, however, was able to produce evidence, and the evidence foiled Washington’s plot against Syria.

Russia’s intervention angered Washington, as did Russia’s intervention that blocked
Washington’s plot to attack Iran. Washington, devoid of all evidence and in contradiction to the reports from the International Atomic Energy Agency from inspectors on the ground in Iran that there was no diversion of uranium from the legal energy program to a weapons program, had Iran set up for attack. Iran was surrounded by about 40 US military bases and two of Washington’s fleets off its coast.

But in stepped Russia and worked out a deal, which Washington had to accept, that kept Iranian uranium enrichment at the low level used for energy, a level far below weapons requirements.

Two black marks agains Russia whose government prevented wars that Washington wanted. Russia (and China) were supposed to endorse Washington’s lies like the puppet states of Europe, Canada, Australia, and Japan, countries that long ago gave up their sovereignty to Washington.

Unfortunately for Russia, Russia demonstrated that Russia had achieved sufficient power and influence to block Washington’s war plans and, thereby, brought into action against Russia the Wolfowitz Doctrine. I have cited this doctrine in recent columns, but you can google it and read it for yourself. The doctrine is the basis for Washington’s foreign policy and declares that the principle goal of Washington’s foreign policy is to prevent the rise of any country that could serve as a check on Washington’s hegemony over the world. (The doctrine explicitly mentions Russia but also applies to China.)

Washington is disturbed that Russia has twice foiled Washington’s war intentions and that the Parliament of the US Puppet State of Great Britain voted with the Russians.
Washington is also concerned with the growing economic and political relations between Washington’s EU puppet states and Russia. EU countries, especially Germany, have numerous and profitable economic connections with Russia, and all of Europe is dependent on Russian supplied energy.

Washington concluded that Washington was in danger of losing its control over Europe.
While the Russian government was asleep at the switch enjoying the Olympics, Washington pulled off its coup in Kiev.

Neoconservative Victoria Nuland, appointed by Obama as Assistant Secretary of State,
announced at a press conference last December that Washington had spent $5 billion
purchasing fifth column Ukrainian NGOs that can be put into street demonstrations to destabilize a government and on grooming and purchasing Ukrainian politicians who will serve as Washington’s stooges. Nuland, of course, described Washington’s purchase of Ukraine as “furthering democracy” in Ukraine.

Washington’s coup against a democratically elected government brought to power extreme elements that proclaimed their hatred of Jews and Russians. These elements destroyed Russian war memorials erected to remember Russia’s liberation of Ukraine from the Third Reich, passed legislation outlawing Russian as an official language, and engaged in violent physical attacks on the Russian speaking population.

Ukraine has always been an area of changing borders. As some have put it, “Ukraine is a country in search of borders.” When Ukraine was a Soviet province, Soviet leaders attached, for various reasons, traditional Russian provinces to the Ukraine Socialist Soviet Republic. When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, pressure from Washington on a weak Russia resulted in the separation of Ukraine from Russia and this included Crimea, a part of Russia since the 1700s and Russia’s warm water port.

The Russian populations in the former Russian territories that Soviet leaders foolishly attached to Ukraine were alarmed by the extreme Russophobia of the government that Washington established in Kiev. The former Russian territories voted to rejoin their mother country and to depart the Russophobic US puppet state established in Kiev.

The Russian government accepted the request from Crimea, but not the requests from the other former Russian provinces in order to demonstrate to Europe that Russia was not provocative and not the source of the crisis. Putin even had the Russian Duma rescind his power to intervene militarily in Ukraine in order to protect the secessionist provinces.

This restraint hurt rather than helped the Russian government’s position. Washington
used its propaganda machine to label self-determination by Crimeans as “invasion and annexation by Russia of Crimea.”

Russia’s restraint with regard to requests to rejoin Russia from the other former Russian provinces resulted in a Washington encouraged military attack by its puppet government in Kiev against the separatist provinces that Russia refused to accept. Washington’s propaganda then succeeded in blaming Russia for the war that Washington launched on the separatist provinces.

Washington is not interested in the truth, and Russia cannot win a propaganda war with Washington which controls the world language, which is English, the language of Washington’s propaganda. The Western media consists of idiots who are enabling Washington’s drive toward war and the extermination of life on earth.

If the Russian government had accepted the separatist provinces request, there would be no war. The Ukrainian government is demented and controlled by Washington, but it is not going to attack territories acknowledged by Russia as its territory.

By showing restraint, Russia has convinced Washington that Russia is weak, and Washington has increased the pressure. Russia has convinced Europe that there is
no cost from Russia to Europe’s complying with Washington’s sanctions. By relying on good will, reasonableness, truth and evidence, Russia has misread Washington and its craven European puppets.

What Obama meant in his White House Press Conference today (August 1) when he said that Putin should use diplomacy–which Putin has been using to no effect–is that Putin should hand Crimea, over the objection of Crimeans and the Russian people, to Washington’s puppet government in Kiev so that Washington can evict Russia from its warm weather port and access to the Mediterranean Sea, thus making redundant Russia’s naval base at Tartus, Syria. Obama also wants Putin to send into the separatist areas of Ukraine, areas that traditionally were part of Russia, Russian military forces to subdue the breakaway territories for Washington’s puppet government in Kiev.

This is Washington’s “diplomatic” position. Only a totally demented person could regard Obama’s position as realistic.

As a person who is considered fair-minded by world media and who arrives at reasonable conclusions independently of Washington’s propaganda, I am often interviewed by foreign as well as US independent media organizations. As of late, the Russian media has turned to me on a number of occasions. What I have learned is that the Russian media is perplexed by Washington’s hostility to Russia.

Russia is not operating in the old Confederate South trying to turn the American South
against Washington for Washington’s rapine, murder, and destruction of the Southern culture, but Washington is operating in the Russian South trying to turn Ukraine, long a part of Russia, against Russia.

As Russians, except perhaps for the government, are unaware of the Wolfowitz Doctrine, they do not know that the main goal of Washington is to prevent the rise of all other powers that could limit Washington’s role as sole Unipower, Hegemon over Earth.

Instead of realizing the real threat, Russian media organizations ask me if the Russian budget can stand responding to sanctions from Washington and the EU by cutting off the energy supply to Europe.

Each time I hear this question I am astonished. Russia can shut down much of European industry and deprive the Europeans of heat in winter, and Russian media ask me if Russia can afford it?

Can Russia afford to be demonized by lies, to be driven into the ground by propagandistic sanctions that will hurt Europe and some US corporations, to convey the
image that Russia is so weak as to be helpless in the face of Western sanctions as to accept the sanctions without demonstrating the cost to Europe and the US?

Does Washington even have Russians brainwashed?

I am concerned about the crisis that Washington has orchestrated, because I believe it is leading to war, which will be nuclear. Are you ready to be destroyed over Washington’s lies about one Malaysian airliner? I am convinced that Washington is behind the destruction of MH-17, because Washington’s propaganda show was already ready and was instantly in performance. That Washington is responsible is the reason that Washington will not release its satellite photos of the area during the moment of the airliner’s destruction. That Washington is responsible is the reason that Washington replies to Russian hard evidence with lies and propaganda. It is Obama and Obama’s stooges in Kiev that refuse to negotiate, not Russia.

Russia has as many nuclear warheads as Washington, and Washington’s “ABM shield” is a farce. If the insane American government drives a crisis, which Washington alone created, to war, we will all die, and for what? The answer is: for a Washington LIE.

Do you want to die for a lie? Another Washington lie?

If you don’t, you had better let Washington know.

Russia cannot end this crisis unless it puts its foot down. I have previously made the case that Russia should take its case to the UN. Alternatively, the Russian government needs to engage Europe in two questions. One is does Europe want its energy supplies from Russia cut off, energy that Washington, despite its lies, cannot replace for 3 or more years if at all.. The other is does Europe want war with Russia and does Europe think that those idiotic countries that host Washington’s missiles won’t be nuked and exterminated?

The crisis in Ukraine will continue to Russia’s and all of humanity’s cost until Russia explains to the stupid, arrogant, hubris-filled West that the West’s criminal and aggressive actions against Russia bear a real cost, and that Russia is prepared to impose the cost.

The propagandized people in the West have no idea of the fate toward which their demented governments are driving them. Russia needs to make it clear to the brainwashed propagandized peoples in the West that Russia is not going to be a puppet state of the West or to accept gratuitous aggression from the White House Fool.

It would help to save life on Earth if China also made this clear.

The sooner the better.

Unless the world reins in the demented criminals in Washington, the world has signed its own death warrant.


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Ebola(?) dødsfald i Gatwick Airport
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2014, 11:59:28 am »

en kvinde, der lørdag var ankommet til Gatwick Airport fra Sierra Leone, og som havde symptomer på Ebola, er død søndag i London.
Hvis hun havde Ebola, så var hun meget smittefarlig, og kan have smittet andre passagerer.

Myndighederne i UK påstår dog at kvinden ikke kan have haft Ebola, ikke kan have smittet andre passagerer, og at Ebola i øvrigt er temmeligt ufarligt, og ikke ville kunne brede sig til en epidemi i UK.



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Re: Ebola
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2014, 12:09:28 pm »

Amerikanske virusforskere, interesserede i biologisk krigsførelse, har været aktive i landene omkring Sierra Leone, hvor vi nu har historiens største Ebola udbrud....
Sierra Leones sunhedsministerium vil have amerikanerne til at stoppe deres Ebola forsøg...



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Re: Ebola
« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2014, 12:44:49 pm »

Ifølge denne artikel spredte USA en Ebola-virus omkring januar. Motivet var på kort sigt at tjene penge ved at lade Monsanto fabrikere en vaccine, som ikke nødvendigvis skulle have nogen positive virkninger (på andet end bundlinien)



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Re: Ebola
« Reply #7 on: August 08, 2014, 02:23:56 pm »

De amerikanske myndigheder ændrer tonen lidt mht Ebola.
Før var det vel at Ebola i USA var utænkeligt.
Nu hedder det sig at det er uundgåeligt.



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Re: Ebola
« Reply #8 on: August 10, 2014, 08:03:32 am »


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Ebola nu i Hamborg?
« Reply #9 on: August 10, 2014, 03:49:15 pm »
Ebola har nået Benin
En stor procentdel af de sygeplejersker der behandlede Patrick Sawyer blev smittet med Ebola, selv om de var forsigtige. Den ene sygeplejerske fortæller at hun ikke kom i fobindelse med nogen legemsvæsker fra manden, så hun burde kun blive smittet, hvis Ebola smitter gennem luften. Konklusionen af dette tilfælde er så at Ebola smitter gennem luften!
Ebola i Hamburg


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Re: Ebola
« Reply #10 on: August 11, 2014, 04:04:49 pm »
Gennady Onischenko en højtstående russisk embedsmand siger Ebola udbruddet er mistænkeligt. Der er ting der tyder på at det ikke er en naturlig epidemi, men snarere  en kunstigt skabt epidemi........



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Re: Ebola
« Reply #11 on: August 18, 2014, 11:58:42 pm »

I Liberia er situationen efterhånden katastrofal. I slumkvarteret West Point i udkanten af hovedstaden er smittemulighederne maksimale, og bekæmpelsesmulighederne er minimale. Hvis man ikke er meget omhyggelig med bekæmpelsen må man formode at de fleste dør. Der blev oprette et Ebola-center, hvor man isolerede de syge, men det blev stormet af befolkningen, og de syge flygtede/ blev spredt i slumkvarteret. Politistationen er forladt. Politifolkene er døde eller flygtet. Situationen er håbløs.

Militæret har nu fået ordre til at skyde personer mistænkt for at være smittede uden varsel ved grænsen til Guinea. Temmeligt barskt. Hvis Ebolaen smitter gennem luften, hvilket noget tyder på, så kan den brede sig til Europa.

Mange mennesker har i de seneste år fantaseret om zombier der angreb. Det er egentligt en meget god beskrivelse af et samfund der angribes af Ebola...
Måske disse mennesker har set ud i fremtiden.


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Re: Ebola
« Reply #12 on: August 19, 2014, 12:17:11 am »

Det er bemærkelsesværdigt at USAs militær tilsyneladende råder over et effektivt middel mod den helt nye og hidtil ukendte form for Ebola, som er dukket op i Vestafrika. Da det tager lang tid at udvikle midler mod virussygdomme, så må man formode at USAs militær har kendt den helt nye Ebola-form før den blev spredt i Vestafrika. Da vi ved at USA har eksperimenteret med Ebola med henblik på biologisk krigsførelse, så må man formode at de har gensplejset på forskellige varianter af Ebola virussen for at lave mere nye og mere smittefarlige varianter. Det er derfor vanskeligt at undgå at konkludere at USA har spredt en af deres nye Ebola-varianter med vilje i Vestafrika.


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Re: Ebola
« Reply #13 on: August 19, 2014, 03:18:14 am »

20 personer i Serbien og Montenegro og Albanien mistænkes for at være syge ad Ebola, og er sat i karantæne.


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Re: Ebola
« Reply #14 on: August 19, 2014, 10:01:18 am »

Dr. Mercola siger at hvis den nye form for Ebola ikke smitter gennem luften, så har den ikke så store chancer for at brede sig i fx Europa. Så er de utestede vacciner, som vi formodentligt bliver tilbudt, ellser som nogen skal tvangsvaccineres med, formodentligt meget farligere end selve sygdommen.
Tidligere epidemier som fugleinfluenza og 5HN1 influenza var "epidemier" som medicinalfirmaerne  frempiskede for at få solgt for milliarder af kroner vacciner (som i øvrigt var ganske farlige).
Man skal huske at USA har laboratorier hvor man eksperimenterer med Ebola virus, og risikoen for at nogen kunne se en økonomisk fordel i at sprede noget af den virus, er betydelig.