Author Topic: Løgnen: Krigen i Syrien er en borgerkrig, og Assad en hadet diktator  (Read 12087 times)


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Vi fyldes jævnligt med løgne om Syrien, og om at Assad er en værre forbryder, der skal væltes, at han bruger giftgas, og nu om at han bruger klyngebomber

Løgnene udbredes nu gennem Human Rights Watch, støttet af George Soros. Problemet er bare at forbrydelserne på billedet er begået af USA.

« Last Edit: December 31, 2015, 09:11:34 pm by anders »


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Re: Syrien
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2015, 09:22:42 am »

interview med Assad

hovedpunkter: Syrien er ikke så demokratisk som fx Frankrig, men væsentligt mere demokratisk end fx Saudiarabien som vestmagterne støtter fuldt ud.
Frankrig leverer våben til terroristerne/lejesoldaterne i Syrien som bekæmper regeringen.
USA (og Israel) er hovedmagten bag  terroristerne/lejesoldaterne i Syrien.
De farligste terroristerne/lejesoldater i Syrien kommer fra Skandinavien. Danmark er formodentligt en hovedleverandør. Som jeg husker det har vi sendt en del af jægerkorpset til Syrien for at deltage i krigen mod regeringsmagten.


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Re: Syrien
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2015, 05:36:05 pm »

USA har tilsyneladende brugt et atomvåben i Syrien i udkanten af byen Kobani. Størrelsesoredenen var 0.1-1 kilotons. Våbnet blev kastet fra en avanceret B1B bombemaskine, der tilsyneladende var lettet fra USAs base i Dubai.
Hvem der præcist var mål for atombomben er uklart. USA siger de bekæmper IS (ISIS), men på den samme tid leverer USA våben og forsyninger til IS. Målet har snarere været et andet, fx Syriens regeringsstyrker.


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Re: Syrien
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2015, 12:42:47 pm »

en amerikansk organiseret hær aff lejesoldater på 1200 mand invaderede Syrien fra Tyrkiet omkring 25. april.
Hæren ledes tilsyneladende på afstand af den amerikanske general Allen.
Hæren er rustet til tænderne med de mest højteknologiske og dyre våben, som den amerikanske skatteyder kan betale.
Soldaterne er udrustet med den amerikanske M-16 riffel. Masser af nyeste model af højteknologise skulderbårne TOW-missiler til ca en halv million kroner stykket, og masser af højteknologiske Stinger anti-aircraft missiler til en kvart million kroner stykker.
Officielt bekæmper USA IS, (Islamisk Stat). Uofficielt forsyner USA IS med våben forsyninger og soldater. Den nye amerikanske hær på 1200 mand i Syrien bekæmper da heller ikke IS, men kæmper på samme side som IS, og kæmper kun mod regeringsstyrkerne .

USAs uofficielle politik er at få væltet Assad-regeringen, som har folkets støtte, og få indsat et udemokratisk marionet-regime, der gør hvad USA forlanger.


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Re: Syrien
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2015, 11:39:13 pm »

TV2 melder at 52 civile er dræbt ved et amerikansk ledet luftangreb (ulovlig krigshandling) i det nordlige Syrien. Kilden er Det Syriske Observatorium for Menneskerettigheder, der overvåger situationen i Syrien.
Ifølge Veterans Today  er Det Syriske Observatorium for Menneskerettigheder i virkeligheden et Mossad (israelsk efterretningsvæsen) kontor i London, og historien er en fabrikeret løgnehistorie, som så mange andre der præsenteres som nyheder i de danske medier.

I virkeligheden bombede amerikanske fly for en gangs skyld noget der ikke tilhørte regeringsstyrkerne, men et underjordisk IS-anlæg dybt inde i Syrien, hvor bl. a. officerer fra den tyrkiske hær arbejdede med giftgas-ammunition, indeholdende Sarin, der skulle anvendes mod regeringsstyrkerne, men som Mossads' "Det Syriske Observatorium for Menneskerettigheder" ville beskylde regeringsstyrkerne for at have forvoldt. I IS-anlægget var også soldater fra bl. a. Saudi, Somali og Iraq.


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Re: Syrien
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2015, 04:34:42 pm »

20 terrorists killed while rigging a car bomb in Lattakia, includign a Saudi officer

SANA reporter in Lattakia province said 20 terrorists were killed as a car they were rigging with explosives exploded in Rabiaa area in the northern countryside of the province. A Saudi officer, who was an explosives expert, was identified among the dead.
Der dræbes/fanges jævnligt soldater/agenter fra vestmagterne i Syrien. Her er det en Saudisk specialuddannet officer, der var i gang med noget der ligner terrorisme, nemlig en bilbome.

Der er især Saudi, israelske og tyrkiske soldater der opererer i Syrien, men amerikanske specialstyrker har også opereret, og to franske agenter blev fanget da de var i gang med at arrangere et mord på præsident Assad. Vi skal også huske at Danmark har sendt 10 jægersoldater til Syrien, hvor de næppe kæmper på regeringens eller folkets side. De må jo nu risikere at få en russisk bombe i hovedet.


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Re: Syrien
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2015, 04:45:25 pm »

Chefen for det britiske MI6, Sir John Sawers, (from 2009 until 2014)
In 2013, Sawers was one of the team that drew up plans to train and equip a Syrian rebel army of 100,000 to overthrow Assad, but the plans were rejected as too ambitious and were thrown out completely when the UK parliament voted against strikes against the Syrian Government.

Nu er han fortaler for at stormagterne beslutter sig til hvad de vil med Syrien og syrerne (uden at man spørger syrerne)

“We need to do the same on Syria so that the external powers — the P5 [China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States] plus Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia — sitting around the same table and exchanging analysis, understanding where each other is coming from and, as far as possible, building some common ground on what the future of Syria is going to look like.”

Sawers hører til de maghavere som går ind for at man udrydder/nedkæmper de mere eller mindre demokratisk valgte magthavere og de lande, som ikke passer ind i vestens planer. Som fx Gadaffi, Libyen, Saddam, Iraq, Afghanistan, og nu Assad og Syrien.


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Re: Syrien
« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2015, 04:48:52 pm »

A video of what is claimed to be Russian cruise missiles flying by has been published by a social media account related to the Iraqi Kurd militia Peshmerga. Russia fired 26 missiles against ISIS targets in Syria from the Caspian Sea on Wednesday.


Russerne demonstrerer dermed at de kan sende cruise missiler over lange afstande, således som USA har demonstreret ved tidligere lejligheder.


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Re: Syrien
« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2015, 04:57:25 pm »
Islamic State is training militants from Russia in Afghanistan as part of its efforts to expand into Central Asia, a senior Russian diplomat told a security conference in Moscow. He added that US and UK passport holders are among the instructors.

He added that there is a wide national variety of instructors in those camps. There are Arabs, Pakistanis and even people with US and British citizenship, he said.
Russian intelligence estimates the number of militants in Afghanistan who have pledged allegiance to the Syria- and Iraq-based Islamic State, at 3,500, Kabulov said, and the number is rising.
Overall, there are some 50,000 fighters belonging to more than 4,000 militant groups in Afghanistan, said Army General Valery Gerasimov, who heads the Russian General Staff. He was addressing the same conference in Moscow, which is discussing the security situation in Afghanistan. The Afghan Taliban is by far the strongest militant movement in the country, with some 40,000 fighters in their ranks.
But their dominant position is being challenged by Islamic State, which sees Afghanistan as a recruiting ground, a source of income and a foothold for further expansion over Central Asia, reported Colonel General Igor Sergun, the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate, Russia’s military intelligence agency.
Russian officials accused Washington of orchestrating the deterioration of security in Afghanistan and the expansion of Islamic State there.
He added that on several occasions Taliban groups that refused to join Islamic State were “set up” to be targeted by [American] airstrikes.
Så vestmagterne, der på mange måder hjælper ISIS fx ved at financiere dem, levere våben til dem , og  træne dem, har træningslejre i Afghanistan, hvor de uddanner ISIS soldater.


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Re: Syrien
« Reply #9 on: October 08, 2015, 05:02:23 pm »

Since the Russian airstrikes began, the New York Times – as well as the vast majority of Western media – has spread the Pentagon’s falsehoods about the conflicts.
“From the government-supervised New York Times on down, this is what you read in the newspapers and hear on the radio and television broadcasts.”

So Friedman’s self-described “defense of President Barack Obama’s policy on Syria,” falls in line with that doctrine.

While Friedman may claim to disprove of the airstrikes because “Putin and Russia would be seen as going all-in to protect Assad, a pro-Iranian, Alawite/Shiite genocidal war criminal,” it’s hard to ignore the true source of such hyperbolic statements.

Friedman’s views – and those of the New York Times – owe allegiance not to truth, but to American empire.
Så propagandamskinen kører for fuld kraft, og spreder de sædavnlige løgne og den sædvanlige bagvaskelse om Putin og Assad.
De danske medier er vist næste lige så endisdigt propaganderende som de amerikanske.


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Re: Syrien
« Reply #10 on: October 08, 2015, 05:10:42 pm »

Russia launched its air campaign in Syria on September 30, making 120 combat sorties that hit 110 targets in just over a week, according to the Defense Ministry. Among the objects destroyed are:

    71 armored vehicles
    30 other vehicles
    19 command facilities
    2 communication centers
    23 depots with fuel and ammunition
    6 plants used to make IEDs, including car bombs
    several artillery pieces
    several training camps

Russia’s Syrian mission flies from a hastily reconstructed airbase south of Latakia. Just a couple of months ago it was an abandoned airfield, but now it sends dozens of sorties daily and hosts not only some of the most high-tech fighter jets on the planet, but also serves as a home for Russian combat pilots, technicians and support troops. Syrian soldiers and officers are at the base to help coordinate the war effort.
Of more serious concern are complaints by some western officials that Russia is targeting west-backed rebel troops in Syria and may even end up killing CIA agents in the field. Russia insists that it only targets terrorist troops and demonstrated how the militants use mosques and other civilian objects to protect their weapons from Russian attacks. Such tactics cannot be employed by truly moderate forces, the Russian Defense Ministry noted.

Numerous reports of civilian casualties caused by Russia have so far not been corroborated by any trustworthy sources. Footage and photos allegedly proving such allegations were disproven on many occasions as taken even before the campaign was launched.

Så Syrien vrimler med bl. a. amerikanske CIA agenter, der givetvis ikke kæmper på regeringens side, og som åbenbart begår diverse krigsforbrydelser. Og nu klager vestmagterne over at deres soldater og agenter bliver ramt af bombe-regnen.


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Re: Syrien
« Reply #11 on: October 08, 2015, 05:38:21 pm »

The US Government's illegal, unConstitutional creation and use of Terrorism is now becoming fully exposed thanks to some very timely, crafty and wise geopolitical moves by Vladimir Putin in the Mideast.

Sadly, in the World of secret Intelligence, governments often use covert operations to do their dirty work which is not only illegal and disgusting beyond words, but actually constitutes acts of war and crimes against humanity.

Yes, these covert operations are usually abject crimes against humanity and often involve Gladio-style false-flag terror attacks, including mass-murder and acts of blatant destruction against innocents and their property.

These covert operations, are usually called “black ops” by Intel insiders because they are done in secret and by using the evil assets of the criminal underworld, the truly dark side of humanity.
Of course all these US covert operations are done to increase the power and reach of the USG and those who have hijacked it. And they are done to serve as an excuse for more taxation from the US taxpayers, more spending to defense industry cronies which provides kickback, perks and often “set-aside allocations” in offshore numbered accounts, and to serve as secret justifications for geopolitical maneuvering and engineered, staged wars of aggression which yield vast war profits for many of the entities involved.

But as many political analysts understand, these preparations and provocations that “justify” all these illegal foreign wars which have been completely unConstitutional, unprovoked, undeclared and unwinnable do yield vast profits. They also yield increased power for centralized governments like the USA, the UK, Israel, and Saudi Arabia who finance these enterprises and participate in the creation and training of Terrorist groups. These Terrorist Groups are known for their brutality against civilians and anyone who gets in their way.

The covert engineering and use of synthetic Terror has allowed the RKM and its cutouts like the USG to create these engineered, staged wars to earn huge war profits for the RKM Banksters and allow cheap acquisition of natural resources for those large international corporations that control the USG, folks they are creating these wars for.

This whole reality is of course one of the deepest secrets of the USG and the entities that hijacked it in 1913, the RKM City of London private FIAT Banksters. By taking over the US monetary production and distribution system with absolutely no accountability or any checks and balances from We The People, the RKM Banksters have been able to asset strip We The People and drag us into their illegal, unConstitutional wars since 1917, using these mind-kontrolled Americans as their cannon fodder.

Yes, Americans have been deeply mind-kontrolled by the CMMM which is owned by six Media Moguls who answer to a large investment corporation with foreign ties.

The CMMM has been functioning as an illegal News Monopoly, an actual New Cartel. It is able to quash truth and keep a steady stream of Big USG Lies, false-narratives and USG propaganda dispensed to the American masses. And it has been able to do an incredibly effective job keeping the truth from the American masses and even much of the World.

The CMMM’s major victory so far has been creating justification in the minds of American families that it is a great and noble thing for them to offer up their children to “serve” in the US Military. Sadly this too often results in their children dying horrible violent deaths or being seriously wounded and disabled in these illegal, unConstitutional foreign wars fought for the RKM Banksters and their cutouts and assets to make big war profits and acquire even more power.

No government using covert agencies, cutouts or mercenaries ever wants this exposed to the World at large. Therefore deniability is always a top concern for any government when they use these criminal acts.

But now as a result of some of the most brilliant geopolitical maneuvering in history, Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin has created a complete checkmate in Syria. This checkmate has completely exposed USA, the CIA, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Turkey for creating, training, financing and supporting ISIS, ISIL, Daesh, Al Qaeda and the rest of these Mideast Terrorist groups.

Not only is this remarkably embarrassing, this complete exposure has been followed by USG admissions that admit that ISIS et all was a creation of the USG, has caused much of the rest of the World to turn against the USG and to see America as an aggressor nation that uses and foments World Terrorism.

Not only is the use of Terrorism a violation of US Law, the US Constitution and various International laws and the Geneva Convention, but is is an anathema to everything America is supposed to stand for.

But it gets even worse. Not only has the USG used criminal factions in Intel and the Military to foment World Terrorism, especially in the Mideast and in NYC and DC on 9-1-01, but has worked very hard using its Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) to wrongfully project blame on Two Mideast nations.

The USG wanted to attack these two nations Afghanistan and Iraq on behalf of the RKM Banksters and used these CMMM provided false narratives, big USG lies and propaganda to justify the completely illegal, unConstitutional invasion and destruction of Afghanistan and Iraq.

US Military and Intel do not allow any public dissent while working in these entities. We do know for certain that there has been a great deal of dissent since folks like Alan Sabrosky, PH.D. and Steve Pieczenik, MD, PH.D. went public and informed many in the US Military High Command and Intel that a criminal faction in the US Administration, Militarily and Intel used Israel to attack America on 9-11-01.

In fact never in American history has there been so much dissent within the US Military High Command and American Intel as now over these newly uncovered and admitted US covert operations that have not only gone bad but become completely exposed.

Folks in the US High Command and Intel cannot actively dissent, the system is too tightly wound to allow that. Instead they have been leaking information like crazy and this has been published and broadcast not only in the alternative media of the Worldwide Internet, but has even been driven into mainstream network news, a real first. But also, numerous retired spooks are now openly speaking out against these USG Intel crimes which suggest that a major power shift inside the US Military High Command and Intel is now underway.

And actual evidence of this is the fact that so far the US Military has not been fully deployed in a major air and ground war against Syria or Iran as the RKM and Israel so desperately want. Instead, the various criminal elements in CIA and the US Military have continued to use mind-kontrolled mercenaries and CIA air assets to commit their acts of war and crimes against humanity.

US Military guards Afghan Opium production and gets caught.

And thanks to “rebel at heart” Geraldo Rivera who was able to covertly slip a major news story through the cracks of the CMMM that the US Military was protecting the Afghan Opium crop. We now know for certain that the US Military has been harvesting it and trafficking it into America using remote controlled global hawks and using this black money for their Mideast black ops.

It was never the Taliban who executed folks for growing poppies; it was always the CIA and their US Military assets that guarded it, harvested it and trafficked it for more huge amounts of black ops money. And folks wonder why the supply of heroin inside America and so many other nations is now abundant and even cheaper.

The truth about who did 9-11-01 and why is now spreading in many foreign nations.

In fact there are now beginning to be stories in the foreign press about how 9-11-01 was done by the Israelis with help from PNACers, top NeoCons inside America. This is a sign that such knowledge is now going to spread to mainstream America, to We The People.

And it is now generally recognized that the CMMM is losing readers and viewers by the day while the alternative media on the Internet is growing. The Internet has turned out to be the New Gutenberg Press of the World and is truly revolutionary.

Rest assured the new, strong faction of up and comers in the US High Military Command knows that Israel and stateside Traitors and Cutouts did the attack on America on 9-11-01 and has been the sinister force that has manipulated the USG into supporting Terrorism to create a synthetic provocation to attack and destroy Afghanistan and Iraq.

Secretly creating synthetic terrorism, Gladio-style has been a way of life for the RKM Banksters and their cutouts who hijack governments like the USG. But now they have become completely exposed and this news is spreading across America and the World by the day.

For many years the USG has worked with other governments as partners in crime to create, train and support World Terrorism, especially in the Mideast. Starting major wars is very hard work and takes years of preparation and costs many billions of dollars.

And now, thanks to the efforts of President Vladimir Putin, statesman extraordinaire, the criminal RKM terror machine which uses the USG and American Intel to do its disgusting dirty work has now been completely checkmated and exposed in Syria. Stay tuned because this exposure can not be quashed and will only increase.

Russia has even asked the US Coalition which is supposedly fighting ISIS (but has had no success at all) if it wants to share it ISIS targets, but so far no response.

Is the RKM along with its cronies, cutouts and assets in the USG desperate enough to do everything they can to start a nuclear WW3, or are they limited to just crashing out the World’s economic and financial systems, something Russia and China have been preparing for for some years now? we shall see as the situation that is in major flux unwinds.

The modern state of Israel was a creation of the RKM as a safe-haven and action-agent for World Zionism and serves as its main Cutout along with America and most European nations, many of which are now attempting to separate themselves the the RKM Worldwide web of debt and deceit. The private American Federal Reserve System, is a franchisee of the City of London RKM Banksters and is their main source of World money power using the US Petro Dollar as the World’s Reserve Currency.

Much of the World is now organizing and forming coalitions to form major firewalls against this US Petro Dollar hegemony and are well on their way to weakening it and eliminating it as the World’s Reserve Currency. Right now Russia and President Putin are spearheading a major checkmate against the World Hegemony of the RKM.

The USG and its propaganda arm has been crying wolf about the horrors of international Terrorism for many years now, even before their 9-11-01 attack on America.

It was their covert Terror attack on America on 9-11-01 which supercharged their efforts and duped the American people into fighting two major wars for Israel that were completely illegal and unConstitutional and constitute the most serious war crimes.

Yes the USG and the Israelis have been sounding the alarm of the extreme dangers of Terrorism for many years. And they should know they have served as Cutouts for the RKM Banksters and created, financed and supplied Terrorist groups ever since WW2. Now the World and all Americans are beginning to know that the USG, Israel are Cutouts for the RKM Banksters and are the biggest Terrorists in the World. How’s this for the greatest hypocrisy in history?

Horror of horrors, they are now being COMPLETELY EXPOSED due to their own malfeasance, carelessness and extreme hubris and the capability of the alternative press and the Worldwide Internet to communicate this far and wide. Their evil is so extreme it is hard to fathom or even imagine.

However, despite this difficulty for the average American to comprehend that the entity they thought which was supposed to be their benevolent parent figure, the USG, many are actually connecting the dots supplied by the truth that is spreading.

Finally much of the American public is starting to understand that the USG is a puppet of the RKM Banksters and is actually their worst nightmare and they have been working hard since 1913 to steal all their hard earned income and to use them and their children as cannon fodder in Israel’s wars.

And many are beginning to understand for the first time ever how these World class criminals who hijacked America have synthetically created and deployed World Terrorism to justify war and mass-murder in order to earn the continuing vast war profits they have become addicted to.

* RKM is an abbreviation to represent the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia, a term coined by VT Financial Editor Mike Harris whose VT radio show is on Tuesdays and Thursdays 7-9 PM CST. Mike Harris started using this descriptive term Rothschild Khazarian Mafia after extensively researching the true but hidden history of the nation of Khazaria and its connection to Rothschild World Zionism now centered in the City of London. The RKM operates out of the City of London, a separate nation inside the UK which has its own police force and diplomats and pays no taxes to the UK government, like the Vatican. The RKM has deeply infiltrated America and hijacked its manufacturing and distribution of money and most of its institutions of government, uses the US Military to fight its proxy wars for massive profits and uses its Intel agencies to traffick in illegal narcotics, also for massive profits.


Organiseret kriminalitet med centrum i Londons bankkvarter kontrollerer de største internationale banker og "nationalbanker". Disse banker kontrollerer store multinationale koncerner, USA, Israel og de fleste lande i Europa.

De fleste krige siden WWI er organiseret af denne organiserede kriminalitet, og 9/11 var et eksempel på de midler de bruger. Den organiserede kriminalitet ejer og kontrollerer størstedelen af medierne, og udøver en effektiv propaga/hjernevask som overbeviser de fleste borgere om deres løgne, så som at 9/11 var begået af Al-Quaida/Iraq og Afghanistan i forening. At Assad er en krigsforbryder og diktator, der hades af sine borgere. At krigene i Syrien og Yemen er borgerkrige. osv osv.


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Re: Syrien
« Reply #12 on: October 08, 2015, 06:10:56 pm »

“President Putin warned Netanyahu that with Russian operations inside Syria, Israel’s violations of Syrian sovereignty would now be seen as violations of Russia’s sovereignty as well.”

“Moscow’s decision to boost its military presence in northern Syria in support of President Bashar al-Assad has posed a potential challenge to Mr. Netanyahu, who for years has had a relatively free hand to carry out strikes against arms shipments that Israel says goes from Iran, through Syria, to the Shiite militia Hezbollah in Lebanon.”[4]

Putin has been so successful that NBC has reported: “Iraq may request Russian Airstrike against ISIS: Official.”[7]

Indeed. As we have shown in previous articles, Putin is historically, morally and intellectually mature because he is part of Logos. He is defeating NWO agents and Satan worshipers because they are completely irrational and diabolical. For example, Assad won the presidential election with 88.7% of the vote.[10]

Now, how can NWO agents and Satan worshipers pretend that they are going to spread democracy in Syria when Assad won by a landslide? What kind of democracy are they talking about here? Does “democracy” mean advancing the Dreadful Few’s agenda? Is it possible that NWO agents and Satan worshipers are spreading a diabolical ideology which obviously seeks to deconstruct the ideals of a truly democratic society?

Back in 2013, NWO prostitute John McCain, who has taken nice pictures with members of the Syrian terrorists in the past,[13] declared that Putin is a quasi-dictator who rules Russia “by corruption, repression and violence.”[14]

NWO agents and Satan worshipers have also been able to roar in the controlled media and have done their best to demonize Putin, Russia, Assad, and Iran. Pick up some of their newspapers and magazines and read the headlines. One of their recent strategies is to perpetuate the lie that “More than 90% of Russian airstrikes haven’t targeted ISIS: U.S.”[17] This is actually propaganda. And Putin knows that as well.

How do NWO agents and Satan worshipers respond? Well, take it from Zbigniew Brzezinski:

“The United States should threaten to retaliate if Russia does not stop attacking U.S. assets in Syria, former national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote in a Financial Times op-ed published Sunday, urging ‘strategic boldness,’ with American credibility in the Middle East and the region itself at stake.”[20

So, as Kevin Barrett has recently pointed out, Brzezinski has indirectly admitted that the U.S. government has been using al-Qaeda or the Islamic State “as assets.” Barrett said:

“This is not something that is normally admitted by officials from Washington, DC, that is that al-Qaeda in Syria, the al-Nusra Front, is actually a US ally.”

So, the plot thickens. The so-called “war on terror” is a smokescreen designed to keep America and much of the West under Israel’s rules. Even C.I.A. director John Brennan, of all people, has implicitly declared that our foreign policy has spurred terrorism.[23] As Paul Craig Roberts put it last year,

“The reason ISIS is operating on Syrian territory is that Washington armed them and sent them to Syria…

“As in Libya, the Obama regime set jihadists lose on Syria, pretending that they were fighting for democracy against a dictator. But Washington lost control over its monster which has gobbled up large parts of Syria and Iraq and is forming them into a new country hostile both to the West and to the Muslim vassals of the West…

“The government of Washington’s ally, Israel, has also endorsed Leninism and is using the same principle of boundless coercion against the Palestinians. Of all the governments in the world, only Washington and Zionist Israel have declared themselves to be unaccountable and above law. They are models not of democracy but of tyranny.”

Thank God that there is a change. Thank God that Putin is putting the fear of God in the New World Order. If “the dialectic always labors in the service of Logos, which is to say, in the service of God’s providence,”[24] as E. Michael Jones has recently argued, then one can say that Putin is bringing Logos in Syria by challenging NWO agents and Satan worshipers to get in the ring.


Zbigniew Brzezinski indrømmer at USA har styrker i Syrien, der bekæmper den demokratisk valgte regering, (og dermed det syriske folk).
USA skabte ISIS, støtter ISIS og bruger ISIS til egne formnål.
USA kontrolleres gennem multinationale korporationer og internationale banker, som igen kontrolleres af en organiseret kriminalitet, som dyrker satanisme. Dvs de samarbejder med ikke-menneskelige interdimensionale væsener, som man kunne kalde en art rumvæsener. Væsener som er repræsentanter for rendyrket ondskab.
Når der tales om satanisme her, så er det ikke metaforisk, det er bogstaveligt, med sataniske messer, kannibalisme, osv.


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Re: Syrien
« Reply #13 on: October 08, 2015, 06:21:47 pm »

Det russiske luftvåben bruger bl. a. droner og en  Ilyushin Il-20 propelflyvemaskine til at analysere og aflytte ISIS' elektroniske kommunikation. Vestmagterne, bl. a. UK har leveret udstyr til ISIS, så ISIS har formodentligt moderne vestligt kommunikationsudstyr, som nu bliver konfronteret med russisk lytteudstyr.

Det har tidligere været nævnt at der bl. a. lå et tysk spion skib ud for Syriens kyst, som leverede data til vestmagternes styrker i Syrien. Bl. a. ved aflytning af mobiltelefoner lykkedes det at pinpointe positionen af uforsigtige højtstående syrere, så man fx kunne kidnappe dem eller dræbe dem ved et busstoppested efter at de måske havde ringet hjem til konen og fortalt at de kom hjem med bussen for et besøg derhjemme.

Nu er det russerne der lytter, og vestmagternes agenter, der er målet...



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Re: Syrien
« Reply #14 on: October 08, 2015, 07:08:26 pm »
One thing is clear as the Russian bombing campaign gains legs, the US is trying to throw and umbrella over al Qaeda operations inside Syria and prevent Russia from attacking these terror groups that have, for years now, been given a free ride by the US led “coalition” bombing campaign.

Moreover, were one to actually examine US targeting, American planes have paved the way for the al Qaeda conquest of Northern Syria by destroying their enemies, America flying air support for al Qaeda in Northern Syria while the Israeli Air Force performs the same task in Southern Syria.

Didn’t al Qaeda attack America on 9/11?  Does America forgive so easily?  When American arms end up in the hands of al Qaeda, not just those turned over by American “task force” trainees but Stinger and TOW missiles as well, why is nothing said?  Why are there no voice in Congress asking the hard questions?

This is what can be supported, well past the hypothesis stage, as inherent to the Syrian War:

    America feels even the pretense of a legitimate moderate opposition, press statements, white papers, diplomatic initiatives, is not worth the bother. In fact the normal mechanisms of a CIA puppet regime have been dispensed with.
    The uniquely ineffective American military effort against the myriad of terror groups operating in Syria and Iraq, including 3000 American advisors in Iraq, despite available air assets which include the heart of America’s heavy bomber fleet flying out of Qatar, makes one thing clear, America is more interested in seeing the war live than the people of Syria and Iraq.

Were this true, the only option we would have at this point, based on Russia’s own coalition against terror groups operating against Syria and Iraq, would be for America to try to inhibit a Russian bombing campaign through smears and disinformation.  This effort is in high gear already.

The insanity is inexorable.  America, now standing alone, insists that it will continue giving military support to non-existent groups it alone says are representing the Syrian people.  How does American know this?  Are they psychic?  They certainly believe so.

Der eksisterer ikke en moderat syrisk opposition. Der eksisterer ISIL, som hovedsageligt består af udenlandske lejesoldater, en hær som er skabt og på alle måder understøttet af USA og Israel, Tyrkiet og Saudiarabien. ISIL (ISIS/Islamisk Stat) forsynes med store mængder meget dyre avancerede våben som Stinger missiler og TOW missiler. Fx er et stort antal TOW missiler som USA har bevilget til krigen i Ukraine blevet redirigeret til Syrien. Et TOW missil er et af de mest avancerede skulderbårne computerstyrede missiler. Som jeg husker det koster hvert missil af størrelsesordenen en halv million kroner. På grund af korruption og kriminalitet i det amerikanske militær kan man sende TOW missiler for milliarder af dollars hvor som helst (til Ukraine, Syrien eller andre steder)uden at man fortæller kongressen om det.
Amerikanske fly nedkaster våben fra luften til ISIS, medens man i medierne udsender løgnehistorier om at man bekæmper ISIS med luftangreb.
Danske F-16 fly bekæmper også officielt ISIS; det er formodentligt også en løgn.
Det danske jægerkorps er formodentligt med til at organisere ISIS, og det ville være underligt hvis danske fly bombede danske soldater....