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DIFØT møder / Generalforsamling 2023
« Last post by anders on September 26, 2023, 11:41:00 am »
Generalforsamlingen holdes Tirsdag 26. november 2023 kl 19:00 på DTI indgang 3, Gregersensvej, Høje Taastrup
Først holder den svenske frienergi forsker Pontus Hasslberger et foredrag som nye fremskridt, så er der generalforsamling.
Diverse alternativ helbredelse / Artemisinin
« Last post by anders on April 17, 2023, 05:59:52 pm »
Poul Aasø
5:45 PM (12 minutes ago)
to me,Self%2Ddestruct

Kære Anders Heerfordt. Du har i den senere tid omtalt cancer i forskellige sammenhænge. Ovenstående links henviser til en oldgammel kinesisk urt (Kinesisk Malurt, Sweet Wormwood, Atrtemisia Annua), som oprindelig blev brugt til behandling a malaria m.m. En indisk og en kinesisk forsker, Singh og Lai, begyndte imidlertid så tidligt som i 2001 at undersøge om urten kunne have muligheder for behandling af cancer. Siden da har de set gode resultater i behandling af en lang række kræftformer. Dog kan Artemisia Annua ikke bruges sammen med kemo og strålebehandling, da de to metoder modarbejder hinanden. Der skal åbenbart gå mindst 3 måneder fra man har afsluttet kemo h.h.  strålings behandling før man starter på Artemisinin. Eller man kan starte med denne urt og vente med at gå i gang med de forannævnte gængse behandlingsmetoder. Da jeg selv er af lidt ældre dato og således potentielt kan løbe ind i blandt andet tarmcancer eller prostata cancer, tager jeg selv halvårligt en kur over ti dage med ni kapsler om dagen af den rene urteform, for om muligt at forebygge en opståen af de nævnte eller andre kræftformer. Har man imidlertid været igennem kemo og/eller stråle behandling uden at det har haft nogen virkning kunne det måske være hensigtsmæssigt at anvende det koncentrede derivat af Artemisia Annua.

De to øverste link er artikler mere eller mindre om Singh og Lai's forskning, medens de lidt længere links er en oversigt over et større antal artikler med henblik på Artemisin og dets muligheder i behandling af cancer.

Venlig hilsen Poul Aasø   
Diverse alternativ helbredelse / To kræftbøger
« Last post by anders on April 10, 2023, 03:09:22 pm »
Jeg har læst to bøger om cancer, som er lidt interessante

Dr Jason Fung: "The Cancer Code: A Revolutionary New Understanding of a Medical Mystery"

Jane Mclelland: "How to Starve Cancer ...without starving yourself: The Discovery of a Metabolic Cocktail That Could Transform the Lives of Millions"

Jason Fung tænker godt og skriver godt. Han beskriver hvordan cancer var en meget sjælden sygdom før i tiden. Men i vores moderne samfund dør måske 50% af kræft. Der er formodentlig en simpel årsag til at så mange dør af kræft. Vi kender ikke årsagen, for vi forsker ikke målrettet for at finde årsagen. Fung nævner ikke at årsagen fx kunne være de mange vaccne-kampagner.
Behandlingerne der bruges er temmeligt virkningsløse. De dødelige kræftformer danner metastaser via kræft-stamceller, og det er metastaserne der slår folk ihjel. Kirurgi, strålebehandling og til dels kemoterapi er uvirksomme mod kræftstamcellerne, og ret uvirksomme mod metastaserne.
Kræftceller opfører sig som encellede organismer, de muterer fx hurtigt, og lægernes meget enøjede fokusering de sidste årtier på gen-behandling er totalt forfejlet. Der er kun ca een rigtig succes-fuld gen-terapi mod een sjælden kræftform.
Kræftforskning og kræftbehandling er profit-orienteret, og forskningen er måske med vilje kørt ind på et blindspor.
Fung nævner de 4 "vækst-hormoner" som betyder noget for kræft, og som vi har fundet indtil nu, nemlig insulin, IGF-1, mTOR og AMPK. Han nævner ar Rapamycin, vidundermidlet, der virker mod alle mulige sygdomme, også virker mod de mange kræftformer, hvor man har testet det. Rapamycin bremser "væksthormonet" mTOR. Han nævner at insulin fremmer kræft, så at bekæmpe insulin og insulinresistens må være kræftforebyggende.
Han peger på at Rapamycin er en form for tablet-faste. Man tager en tablet, der virker næsten ligesom faste. Når Rapamycin virker, så må faste virke, men bedre. Der er lavet ekstremt få undersøgelser af faste og dens virkning mod kræft, men der er et par meget lovende undersøgelser.
Han mener at det at faste 2 dage om ugen, fx mandag og torsdag, burde være forebyggende mod kræft.
Jeg kunne mene at det at undgå vaccinationer måske kunne være endnu mere forebyggende.
Jane Mclelland skriver også godt og tænker godt. Hun fik stadie 4 livmoderkræft og havde 6 måneder tilbage at leve i. Hun er pysioterapeut, og vant til at læse videnskabelige artikler. Hun mente at lægerne behandlede kræft forkert, og at de måtte have skjult nogle kure. Hun læste derfor i hundredevis eller tusindvis af glemte videnskabelige artikler om emnet og praktiserede det hun lærte. Hun var "dum" nok til at følge kræftlægernes råd med kemo og strålebehandling samtidigt med at hun brugte alternative behandlinger. Hun døde ikke i løbet af de 6 måneder men overlevede fint. Hun deltog i en forsøgsbehandling, hvor hun var den eneste der overlevede behandlingen. Hun fik een metastase efter et par år i en lunge, og strammede op på sine alternative behandlinger.
Ifølge lægerne skulle hun være død af metastasen, men hun overlevede den fint. Et par år senere fik hun leukæmi af de mange kræftfremkaldende kemo og strålebehandlinger hun havde fået. Hun strammede op på sine alternative behandlinger, og nedkæmpede leukæmien.
Hun har nu en opskrift på hvordan man overlever stadie 4 kræft, og har prøvet den på et antal andre patienter. Opskriften kræver en umenneskelig viljestyrke, som kun få har. Patienter der følger opskriften overlever. Patienter der lader sig snakke fra at følge opskriften af deres kræftlæge, de dør.
Opskriften er temmeligt kompliceret, men omfatter faste 2 dage om ugen, fx mandag og torsdag, den omfatter en lang række kosttilskud, og den omfatter en række receptpligtige mediciner. En hovedide er at hæmme kræftcellernes stofskifte af glucose, af fedtstoffer, og af proteiner. Blandt andet ved at reducere indtagelsen af proteiner, især kød og ost.
De fleste sundhedsapostle mener at vi skal spise meget protein, omkring 150 gram om dagen, og gerne rødt kød og mælkeprotein. En mindretal af sundhedsapostle, herunder dr. Gundry, mener at det er helt forkert, vi skal spise måske 25 gram protein om dagen. Der er 3 aminosyrer som særligt fremmer kræft, og som man bør reducere hos kræftpatienter. Disse aminosyrer findes især i animalsk protein, og for enkelthedens skyld kan man derfor vælge at spise vegansk. Man kan også spise små mængder af animalsk protein, hvis man gør det på den rigtige måde.

Hvis man spiser vegansk, så undgår man at blive forgiftet med mRNA vacciner, som i en række år i al hemmelighed har været givet til dyr i landbruget (i USA) ifølge denne artikel:

Diverse alternativ helbredelse / Chili
« Last post by anders on April 10, 2023, 03:08:48 pm »

The spicy, active ingredient in chilies found to kill off cancer cells

A burning, hot sensation in your mouth isn’t the only trick chili peppers have up their sleeve. Rather than spicing up your food, German researchers found that capsaicin, or the active, hot compound in chili peppers, could stop breast cancer in its tracks.

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide, affecting about one in eight American women. Scientists have classified breast cancer according to the presence or absence of three receptors that are known to promote breast cancer proliferation. The receptors are estrogen, progesterone, and the epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2).

While breast cancers that test positive for HER2 typically respond well to available treatments, others that test negative for all three receptors (also called triple-negative breast cancer) are harder to treat, with damaging chemotherapy being the only available treatment option.

The German research team led by Ruhr-University Bochum’s Dr. Habil Hanns Hatt and Dr. Lea Weber, however, found that capsaicin may offer new hope in the treatment of this particularly aggressive cancer type. (RELATED: Learn more about health-enhancing foods at

Spicy molecule causing cancer cells to self-destruct

For their study, the team analyzed the effect of capsaicin on SUM149PT cell cultures, which are a model system for the aggressive triple-negative breast cancer type. Previous research suggested that several transient receptor potential (TRP) channels influence cancer cell growth. These TRP channels are membranes that control how much calcium and sodium goes in and out the cancer cell.

Olfactory receptor TRPV1 is one of these channels that received a great deal of attention from researchers around the world. For their study, the German researchers aimed to investigate the role TRPV1 plays in breast cancer growth and development. They hope their findings may lead to better understanding how TRPV1 could be used in breast cancer therapy.

“To our knowledge, no studies have yet conducted a large-scale comparative study of the TRP channels expression profiles in breast cancer cell lines,” said Dr. Lea Weber.

When Dr. Weber and colleagues added capsaicin and helional, a chemical compound which creates the scent of a fresh sea breeze, to breast cancer cell cultures for several hours or days, the spicy ingredient attached itself to the edge of the cancer cell, known as the cell membrane, and activated TRPV1.

When TRVP1 was switched on by capsaicin, calcium and sodium distribution spun out of control and cancer cells began to divide more slowly and self-destruct, which halted the tumor in its growth while leaving healthy cells unharmed.

What’s more, surviving cancer cells were no longer able to move as quickly as before, implying that their ability to form metastases in the body was significantly reduced. (RELATED: Many common food ingredients kill cancer cells. Stay informed at

Exciting breakthrough in the treatment of cancer

While it is too soon to make any conclusion, these findings are an exciting breakthrough in the fight against cancer. However, the researchers noted that the effect cannot be achieved by consuming chili peppers or inhaling the capsaicin compound. They said that that capsaicin is most effective when taken in pill form and attached to another drug that effectively targets cancer cells.

“If we could switch on the TRPV1 receptor with specific drugs, this might constitute a new treatment approach for this type of cancer [triple-negative breast cancer],” says Hanns Hatt.

Furthermore, capsaicin has also been shown to inhibit cancer cell growth and induce cell death in several other types of cancer, including colon and pancreatic cancer.

The study was a collaboration between Dr. Hanns Hatt and Dr. Lea Weber, and several institutions in Germany, including the Augusta clinics in Bochum, the hospital Herz-Jesu-Krankenhaus in Dernbach, and the Centre for Genomics in Cologne. The findings were recently published in the journal Breast Cancer: Targets and Therapy.
Kunstig gravitation / IVO Ltd antigravity
« Last post by anders on April 06, 2023, 09:28:04 am »
A controversial rocket technology could challenge a basic law of physics

It could usher in a future of fuel-free space vehicles.

One of the most exciting aspects of the current era of space exploration (Space Age 2.0) is how time-honored ideas are finally being realized.

Some of the more well-known examples include retrievable and reusable rockets, retrieval at sea, mid-air retrieval, single-stage-to-orbit (SSTO) rockets, and kinetic launch systems.

In addition, there are also efforts to develop propulsion systems that do not rely on conventional propellants. This technology offers many advantages, including lower mass and improved energy efficiency, ultimately lowering costs.

The IVO Quantum Drive Pure Electric Satellite Thruster. IVO Ltd

On June 10, 2023, an all-electrical propulsion system for satellites (the IVO Quantum Drive) will fly to space for the first time. The system was built by North Dakota-based wireless power company IVO, Ltd. and will serve as a testbed for an alternative theory of inertia that could have applications for propulsion.

The engine will launch atop a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket as part of a dedicated rideshare (Transporter 8) hosted by commercial partner Rogue Space Systems. If the technology is validated, the Quantum Drive could trigger a revolution in commercial space and beyond. And if not, then we can relax knowing that the laws of physics are still the laws of physics!

Sustainable space transportation

It is no secret that the world is undergoing a major transition in terms of energy, transport, manufacturing, and infrastructure. In addition to advancements in computing, 3D printing, and artificial intelligence, a major driving force behind these changes is the desire for cleaner, more sustainable alternatives.

This has led to innovations like wireless internet and devices, electric cars, EV charging stations, and miniaturized solar cells and wind turbines. Unfortunately, these innovations rely on toxic batteries and unsafe charging technologies.

Founded in 2017 by Richard Mansell, Ken Mansell, Daniel Telehey, and Matthew Silbernagel, IVO was launched to address the major issues facing technology and innovation today. To this end, IVO has focused on developing wireless energy transmission solutions using a technology known as Capacitive Based Aerial Transmission (CBAT).

This flexible, scalable technology allows manufacturers to reduce their battery size by up to 50 percent and is on track to disrupt the green energy industry.

In addition, the past decade has seen a sharp increase in the number of commercial space companies, leading to innovations like reusable rockets and microsatellites. Because of this, space has become far more accessible, with more nations, companies, and academic institutions sending payloads to orbit.

Alas, the space industry is still reliant on propellants that are toxic (or produce toxic byproducts) or produce huge amounts of greenhouse gas. Using kerosene and methane-based fuels, rocket launches can release up to 100 times more CO2 into the atmosphere (per passenger) than a long-distance flight.

In 2021, IVO began to develop a new all-electrical propulsion system that leveraged an alternate theory about inertia. Known as the IVO Quantum Drive, this proposed system relies on the theory of Quantized Inertia (QI), a controversial idea that many physicists view as a fringe theory.

An alternative theory of inertia

The theory of QI was first proposed in 2007 by University of Plymouth physicist Mike McCulloch as an alternative to the Lambda Cold Dark Matter (LCDM) model.

This theory was an attempt to reconcile General Relativity (GR) and Quantum Field Theory (QFT) to explain the rotational curves of galaxies in a way that did not require Dark Matter (and as an explanation for the Pioneer Anomaly). The theory comes down to two essential elements:

    According to GR, there is an event horizon in the Universe where light cannot reach an object because cosmic acceleration exceeds the speed of light. A similar horizon is produced if an object accelerates in one direction (known as a Rindler horizon). Anything beyond this is outside the observable Universe and cannot affect the object at the center of the “Rindler space.”
    According to QFT, similar radiation is predicted for an accelerating object (Unruh radiation). QI posits that Unruh radiation is the origin of inertia. Similar to the Alcubierre Metric (but on a larger scale), the Rindler information horizon expands in the direction of acceleration and contracts behind it.

Artist’s concept of a spacecraft using an Alcubierre Warp Drive. NASA

McCulloch also claimed that this theory could provide a foundation for launching space vehicles without fuel. The theory has been challenged repeatedly, and in 2012, astrophysicists solved the Anomaly by concluding that non-uniform heat emission from the spacecraft slowed their speed.

Nevertheless, in recent years, McCullough and his colleagues were awarded a DARPA grant to conduct experiments to investigate QI in a laboratory setting. With the launch of the IVO Quantum Drive, the theory will be tested in space for the first time.

Shifting costs

If validated, such a system would provide multiple advantages over conventional propellants, the most notable of which is extreme efficiency. According to IVO, a single Quantum Drive can achieve up to 52 millinewtons (mN) of thrust from a single watt of electricity supplied via a combination of onboard power storage and solar power. This would be a considerable improvement over Hall-Effect thrusters (ion engines), which can achieve 25–250 mN of thrust, have lower energy efficiency (65 to 80 percent), and require more power – 1–7 kilowatts (kW).

Another benefit, according to IVO, is the modular design of the thruster, which allows multiple units to be stacked (and on multiple axes) to achieve greater thrust and meet the needs of individual spacecraft. On top of that, a typical Hall-Effect thruster will weigh more than 200 kg (440 lbs), while a single external and internal Quantum Drive unit weighs just 186.6 grams and 103.5 grams (6.6 and 3.65 oz), respectively. As co-founder Telehey, now the chief operating officer of IVO Ltd., told Universe Today via email:

“The IVO Quantum Drive really is a total departure from the current limitations of modern space propulsion. It is the first pure electric propulsion device, meaning it requires only electricity to run. Gone are the days of complex fuel systems which require special fuel solutions to propel the spacecraft. As long as we have electricity, we have thrust, which is why unlimited Delta-V is possible for the first time ever. Due to its self-contained nature, this is the first propulsion device that can be completely internal to a spacecraft.”

The self-contained thruster can also be mounted in any orientation, offering up to 6 degrees of freedom. Eliminating propellants would also eliminate the need for bulky and heavy storage tanks, reducing a spacecraft’s overall mass and increasing its payload capacity. Lastly, a propulsion system that doesn’t require propellant removes the need for satellite refueling or deorbiting due to fuel limitations. Said Telehey, these advantages “will drive the most dramatic shift in terms of cost reduction that the space industry has ever seen.”

Already, IVO Ltd. has worked with E-Labs (a Virginia-based testing and evaluation facility) to validate the Quantum Drive in a simulated space environment. As Mansell described it:

“The Quantum Drive was tested, and the thrust was measured within high vacuum chambers (down to 4×10-6 Torr) in multiple configurations to eliminate possible artifact forces such as electromagnetic, electrostatic, Lorentz, Corona discharge, ion wind, etc. Control Drives were also produced to provide baseline measurements. All test setups were evaluated by third-party individuals. All Quantum Drives showed thrust consistent with predicted Quantized Inertial calculations. Control Drives confirmed that thrust measurements were not consistent with any other known forces.”

To test their propulsion system in space, IVO Ltd. has teamed up with orbital robotics developer Rogue Space Systems. Rogue is engineering the first generation of Orbital Robots (known as OrbotsTM) to facilitate humanity’s growing presence in space. The Orbot family currently consists of the Laura Orbot, designed to inspect, monitor and observe, and Fred, designed to move satellites and other assets to and from different orbits. A third spacecraft is planned, the details of which are to be announced sometime later this year.

All three spacecraft are supported by an operating system that incorporates machine learning and autonomous capability – the AI-Enabled Sensory Observation Platform (AESOP). This system allows the Orbots to operate autonomously, compensating for communication lags and periods when the spacecraft is not visible to control stations on the ground. It also provides collision avoidance and proximity tracking, allowing the Orbot to position itself automatically near a target satellite and determine how to service it properly.

“Our partnership with Rogue Space Systems stems from our shared passion for innovation and an ultimate objective to expand human capability,” said Telehey. “Humanity has been looking up at the stars for thousands of years with wonder and curiosity. Now, for the first time in the history of humanity, we have the ability to reach out and touch these distant places. Our organizations take this seriously and, together, IVO and Rogue intend to make history.”

The controversy endures

Naturally, the news of this test and the company’s claims have been met with considerable skepticism by many scientists. Notably, there’s Andrew Higgins, a professor of mechanical engineering at McGill University and the leader of the Interstellar Flight Experimental Research Group. In 2018, Higgins published a paper titled “Reconciling a Reactionless Propulsive Drive with the First Law of Thermodynamics,” where he demonstrated that an electromagnetic drive that does not use propellant was not physically sound.

According to Higgins, electromagnetic devices that do not rely on propellant can generate no more than 3.33 micronewtons per kilowatt (?N/kW) of thrust, or else they end up being a kind of perpetual motion machine.

This is because applying constant force results in constant acceleration, which means that the object’s kinetic energy increases quadratically over time, whereas the energy input increases linearly. As a result, the object’s kinetic energy will exceed the energy input, and (if this energy is collected via deceleration) there would be a net gain in energy.

In short, the concept violates the First Law of Thermodynamics, which states that the internal energy (E) of a system is equal to the difference between the heat transfer (Q) into a system and the work (W) done by the system — expressed mathematically as E2-E1=Q-W. As Higgins told Universe Today via email:

“My take on the IVO Quantum Drive is the same as the EM drive, the Woodward Mach effect thruster, or any other device that claims to take a power input and generate thrust output, with no other interactions with a reaction mass or some other mass to push against. It is trivial to show such a device can be converted into a perpetual motion machine of the first kind. That is, a machine that just generates power from a black box, with no other interactions.”

A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket will launch IVO Quantum Drive with a Rogue Space Systems “Orbot” this summer. NASA/Joel Kowsky

In response, Mansell has stated that the Quantum Drive is not a reactionless system and is not comparable to the EM Drive. “The Theory of Quantised Inertia provides for some unique ways to move spacecraft without fuel and without violating Newton’s laws of motion,” he said. “The Quantum Drive uses electricity and our pending patent configuration to move spacecraft. This configuration has been tested as much as it can on Earth’s surface. The next and definitive test will be in LEO.”

Based on current levels of growth, the commercial space sector is projected to reach a total value of $1.4 trillion by 2030. Similarly, the green energy sector is projected to reach $1.4 trillion before the end of the decade.

These parallel developments illustrate the potential for companies in space, where accessibility is increasing, and the demand for cleaner, safer, and more efficient alternatives is high. And therein lies the point of this demonstration, which is to test the system and the theoretical physics on which it is based.

If it fails, scientists can rest easy that the laws of physics don’t need to be revised. If it succeeds, it will open the door to tremendous opportunities. Ultimately, it seems fair to say that everyone (pro or con) is excited to see what comes of it!

The launch is scheduled for June 10 and will be livestreamed via SpaceX’s YouTube feed. You can also watch the countdown and track the launch via the IVO Ltd website.
Varm Fusion / Avalanche energy
« Last post by anders on March 20, 2023, 04:25:24 pm »

Avalanche energy laver små 5 kW fusionsreaktorer.
De bliver bygget med off-the-shelf komponenter.

Diverse fri energi maskiner / Motoflux
« Last post by anders on March 05, 2023, 04:07:46 pm »
Motoflux magnetmotor med 20W output COP=8-9
Motoren ser meget lovende ud.

Diverse alternativ helbredelse / Burzynski
« Last post by anders on February 17, 2023, 03:14:08 pm »
En super effektiv kur mod kræft - Antineoplastons - blev udviklet af Dr. Stanislaw R. Burzynski allerede i 1970-erne. Lige siden har FDA og medicinalindustrien gjort ALT for at forhindre ham i at redde menneskeliv med sin metode. Dokumentarfilm skaberen Eric Merola har nu lavet 2 dokumentarfilm om det. Fra hans website:

    My first documentary, Burzynski: Cancer Is Serious Business remains an international success seen by tens of millions of people worldwide. This project was presented on Netflix, PBS, The Documentary Channel, and various international television outlets. A recent YouTube post has garnered more than 2 million views in less than 2 weeks. The positive reception of the Burzynski story led me to produce its sequel, Burzynski: Cancer Is Serious Business, Part II

Beskrivelsen til den første film:

    3,121,338 views - 1 Jan 2023 #FreeDocumentary #FilmIsNow

    Burzynski: The Cancer Cure Cover-up is the story of a pioneering biochemist who discovered a unique and proprietary method of successfully treating most cancers.

    Director: Eric Merola

    🔴 Want to be notified when we post new videos? SUBSCRIBE to the channel and click the bell icon -

    This documentary takes the audience on a near 50-year journey both Dr. Burzynski and his patients have been enduring in order to obtain FDA-approved clinical trials of Antineoplastons. Defying the face of skepticism, legal attacks from state and federal agencies, and a powerful propaganda campaign to stop Burzynski – this doctor and his patients are still going strong.

Beskrivelsen til den anden film:

    160,691 views - 7 Jan 2023 #FreeDocumentary #FilmIsNow

    In the compelling follow up to the internationally award winning documentary Burzynski: The Cancer Cure Cover-up, Burzynski: Cancer is Serious Business Part 2 explores the continued journey of an innovative cancer therapy called Antineoplastons and its clinical testing sanctioned by the United States FDA. This documentary also features a real-time stories of the turbulent journeys of cancer patients being treated at the Burzynski Clinic in Houston, Texas—in the face of an onslaught of harassment and intimidation from a concerted “Astroturf” campaign by the cancer industry.

    When Antineoplastons are approved, it will mark the first time in history that one single scientist, and not a pharmaceutical company, will hold the exclusive patent and distribution rights on a medical breakthrough of this magnitude.

    Director: Eric Merola
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